2 questions about what this recruiting class means



Nov 19, 2012
First, does this class punctuate how big of a failure Dooley actually was/is? (As if we didn't already know)

Also, when do you believe the real turning point will be; the time that we can look on the field and see that the dark days have passed?
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First, does this class punctuate how big of a failure Dooley actually was/is? (As if we didn't already know)

Personally, I don't think Dooley was the recruiting failure some people think he was. After all, his classes were all ranked in the top 20 (iirc). I am, however, amazed at how much talent this staff has gotten commits from given what we've gone through the last 3 seasons.

Also, when do you believe the real turning point will be; the time that we can look on the field and see that the dark days have passed?

I think we'll get glimpses of that this season. I think we'll see some guys step up and think to ourselves, "Where has that guy been the past 2 or 3 seasons?" If you're talking about seeing a championship-level team on the field, that probably won't happen until 2015 or 2016. As good as the 2014 class is looking, my guess is that most of them won't make an immediate impact.

Here's to a bright future!

Go Vols!
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First, does this class punctuate how big of a failure Dooley actually was/is? (As if we didn't already know)

Also, when do you believe the real turning point will be; the time that we can look on the field and see that the dark days have passed?

1. It is,at least, more evidence to the fact of the failure of Dooley.

2. The real turning point ( I am assuming you are talking about wins here) maybe will come this year with a motivated team vol team playing with all they have (Louisville vs Florida) or next year when the stables begin to fill again
This is the most impressive start to a recruiting year EVER at UT, imo. We'll see how the rest of the year unfolds, but right now, we couldn't ask for anything better.
First, does this class punctuate how big of a failure Dooley actually was/is? (As if we didn't already know)

Also, when do you believe the real turning point will be; the time that we can look on the field and see that the dark days have passed?

For the failures of Dooley as a coach, recruiting wasn't one of them. One year he even had a top 10 class. I'm not defending Dooley just stating a fact. I don't get why you guys act like he couldn't recruit.
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First, does this class punctuate how big of a failure Dooley actually was/is? (As if we didn't already know)

Also, when do you believe the real turning point will be; the time that we can look on the field and see that the dark days have passed?

1. not necessarily. From the Kentucky loss on, CDD was a dead man walking so recruiting was going to take a huge hit.

2. The 2014 class will the base class that Coach Jones will be able to build the program from. Its a starting point. I think 2016 be the first real chance to see what you describe.
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First, does this class punctuate how big of a failure Dooley actually was/is? (As if we didn't already know)?

I think Butch is selling his proven system of fast success which is undoubtedly real. I think it also shows that there has been alot of high level talent really loving U.T. but skeptical of unproven and ultimately an epic failure of a head coach Derek Dooley.
1) No. Dools recruited fine. Dools could not coach and was difficult with some of the players, coaches, former Vols, and UT administrators.

2) Turning point occurs when they beat a top tier SEC opponent. The confidence will soar for the roster and the fans.
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Personally, I don't think Dooley was the recruiting failure some people think he was. After all, his classes were all ranked in the top 20 (iirc). I am, however, amazed at how much talent this staff has gotten commits from given what we've gone through the last 3 seasons.

I think we'll get glimpses of that this season. I think we'll see some guys step up and think to ourselves, "Where has that guy been the past 2 or 3 seasons?" If you're talking about seeing a championship-level team on the field, that probably won't happen until 2015 or 2016. As good as the 2014 class is looking, my guess is that most of them won't make an immediate impact.

Here's to a bright future!

Go Vols!

Agree. Dooley did some a few good things. We have some solid players that he and his staff recruited.
We have the VFL program that I believe is here to stay and will pay great dividends over the years.

Butch is doing great. We need to close strong to stay in the top 10 recruiting. The big guys will start catching up soon.

Let's hope Butch is a great game day coach unlike Dooley.
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Personally, I don't think Dooley was the recruiting failure some people think he was. After all, his classes were all ranked in the top 20 (iirc). I am, however, amazed at how much talent this staff has gotten commits from given what we've gone through the last 3 seasons.

I think we'll get glimpses of that this season. I think we'll see some guys step up and think to ourselves, "Where has that guy been the past 2 or 3 seasons?" If you're talking about seeing a championship-level team on the field, that probably won't happen until 2015 or 2016. As good as the 2014 class is looking, my guess is that most of them won't make an immediate impact.

Here's to a bright future!

Go Vols!

I totally agree with the first part. A handful of people brought that man down, but I understand what happened. We were literally decimated by injury, including a head coach attempting to stay on the field risking serious injury and coaching through pain, while the whole volnation was turning against the man. He brought in good talent and, in case ya'll forgot, he was with in ONE play of beating EVERY SEC team at some point in his time here. When you can do the same you can criticize. I understand he ultimately was not the man...he didn't get it done due to his lack of head coaching experience, and serious injury at a time when it was all supposed to come together. It did flash at times...the master plan. That offense was serious. I think he will make a good assistant and hope him the best.

I own IluvBJ's, but the mods won't let me use it. You will see success year one with Butch Jones. That man has the experience to know how to do it right. He has set up his coaches and assistants long ago and stuck with them for a long time. That consistency allowed them to jump into recruiting and conditioning. He could off load a lot of the responsibilities off to his assistants while he attended to more. It is his experience as a successful head coach that will make all the difference.

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Signing day will be the tell all on recruiting, but I think TN being at the top including #1 today in recruiting makes Dooley look bad in that area. The fact is that being #20 in recruiting when you are trying to catch up in the SEC isn't going to work. We need to be top 3.
When we beat Florida and a SC or LSU type team in the same season.
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For the failures of Dooley as a coach, recruiting wasn't one of them. One year he even had a top 10 class. I'm not defending Dooley just stating a fact. I don't get why you guys act like he couldn't recruit.

Dooley did OK in recruiting his first two years. (His first class was at least half Kiffin's). But during that time the relationships with high school coaches were going south. That's one reason recruiting was a struggle in his last year, plus I think after the Missouri game the whole staff just quit.

But if that's what it took to get Butch Jone here, I'm glad it happened. The future has never looked so bright.
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1. not necessarily. From the Kentucky loss on, CDD was a dead man walking so recruiting was going to take a huge hit.

2. The 2014 class will the base class that Coach Jones will be able to build the program from. Its a starting point. I think 2016 be the first real chance to see what you describe.

I thought you were one of the ones saying Dooley would likely keep his job? Am I wrong?
First, does this class punctuate how big of a failure Dooley actually was/is? (As if we didn't already know)

Also, when do you believe the real turning point will be; the time that we can look on the field and see that the dark days have passed?

1. I look towards the future, reminiscing about the past few years is futile. But if you must...think about it this "iffy" kind of way, where would we be right now if we had stolen Chief back from LSU instead of hiring Sal (with the offense we had last year and a Chavis "D" we probably win 9-10 games). Dooley wasn't all bad but I certainly will not debate that with anyone that feels differently.

2. I think that CBJ has already taken UT past the first turn.He has created excitement and anticipation around our program that many of us have not seen in a very long time.
We have to wait and see if he can get them to the top of the hill, and I have faith that he can, but temper the expectations for this year. Look more towards years 3 and 4, because in year 2 we will most likely lose an entire "O" line to the NFL,so I see similar years in 1&2 with vast improvement in effort and coaching, just not wins. Its just my opinion

By the way, should we lose our entire offensive line to the NFL draft, will that be a first time it has ever happened? I will brag about anything UT!
Dooley's biggest problem was he couldn't win a close game. We were in a lot of close games during his tenure--and I think he lost just about every one. The lack of defensive talent was another issue--and having almost a complete turnover of your coaching staff after one (or two?) years was a troubling sign. Had we kept the DC who left for Washington , things might have been a bit different. And Dooley's staff laid the groundwork for this year's recruiting.
For the failures of Dooley as a coach, recruiting wasn't one of them. One year he even had a top 10 class. I'm not defending Dooley just stating a fact. I don't get why you guys act like he couldn't recruit.

I would've like to have seen how well he could've recruited with a winning record.
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1) No. Dools recruited fine. Dools could not coach and was difficult with some of the players, coaches, former Vols, and UT administrators.

2) Turning point occurs when they beat a top tier SEC opponent. The confidence will soar for the roster and the fans.

You don't win championships by recruiting "fine." You win championships by recruiting elite and IMO that's minimum top 10 in the country, top 5 in the SEC year in and year out. That's what you have to do just to put yourself in a position to favorably compete in this league! Dooley's classes would've been fine for the Big East or the Mountain West but not for the SEC. Sure, he recruited some nice pieces but top to bottom he took a LOT of "diamonds in the rough" who up to this point haven't lived up to their potential.

Agree with you on #2.
I thought you were one of the ones saying Dooley would likely keep his job? Am I wrong?

I said when he was hired he would need 5 years to try and turn program around. during the three years I'm certain I may have said he needed to keep job.

I didn't say anything about him needed to be fired last season on message boards as I never speak out or call for a coaches firing or predict a coaches firing. I knew after Mississippi St game last year that chances he would be fired were certain.

I agree with the termination based on everything I knew about the direction of the program..

That would have been my stance on Dooley but I certainly wouldn't dispute what you are asking. Can't recall everything I may have posted and when..

Butch needs 5 years also. Very tough league and the rebuilding job is still a huge one. The negative with having the type recruiting class he is having is it raises fans expectations even higher. I just hope fans are patient these next few years while he is creating the roster he needs to begin competing in the very tough eastern division of the SEC.
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You don't win championships by recruiting "fine." You win championships by recruiting elite and IMO that's minimum top 10 in the country, top 5 in the SEC year in and year out. That's what you have to do just to put yourself in a position to favorably compete in this league! Dooley's classes would've been fine for the Big East or the Mountain West but not for the SEC. Sure, he recruited some nice pieces but top to bottom he took a LOT of "diamonds in the rough" who up to this point haven't lived up to their potential.

Agree with you on #2.

I think we have to be top 3 in SEC to get back to competitive status in this conference. Once we get on Bama, LSU, Florida and Georgia level, agree minimum top 5 SEC to maintain competitive position
First, does this class punctuate how big of a failure Dooley actually was/is? (As if we didn't already know)

Also, when do you believe the real turning point will be; the time that we can look on the field and see that the dark days have passed?

First, I think you and many others just need to let go of DD. I swear if a meteor landed in your front yard and killed your dog, you people will find a way to tie DD into the event, even if the man died 60 years prior.
The man is gone, stop bringing him back.

What the recruiting class shows is that we're extremely fortunate to have hired a coach who is making it clear he can recruit competitively with the best SEC coaches. And either starting this very year, we may see real pride stuffed into those Vol jerseys again and end up with a starkly surprising 2014 team to boot. That by 2015 or 2016, I do believe 2015, the Vols will either win or play for the SEC championship. That's what the recruiting class means.
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1. Yes, I think many of the players we got with Dooley were coming here on the Tennessee brand than on his recruiting ability. That is in spite of Dooley. Basically with incompetent coaching UT could still pull a decent recruiting class.

2. When we beat two of Florida, Georgia, Carolina, Alabama in the same year.

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