2000 OU Captains Heupel and Hammons

The way I understand this, Chris Hammons promised CJH's mom that he would be on the TN sidelines to support CJH in Norman before she passed away (in May I believe).... some douchebag analyst that works for the official sooner sports broadcast team called him out for his support.

Sooners has some delusional fans just like the rest of the sec, but the thing that gets me about them. They wanna act all high and mighty, like their the most prestigious football program god ever created! But, that field, and the fake injuries, and stuff like this shows me their just like everything they say they’re not.
Thank God there are still men who stand by their word and honor those that showed them love and compassion by returning it. I get that some ruffneks might he mad, but that took guts and he doesn’t owe them anything anyway. Glad he took the high road when responding. I think we learned a lot about the person Heup is this weekend, and apparently the company he keeps too.

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