The NCAA, in their neverending quest to interject themselves into all things irrelevant, has enacted a number of rules related to media guides. For example, the number of color pages is regulated. I'm sure these ridiculous standards have something to do with the change in the look of the guide.(VolInsider @ Aug 10 said:I think the cover is good, but the design and layout of the inside took a big step back, it looks like it was done on MS Publisher or something, and I should know, thats what we use for our hockey guide. It's nowhere close to the graphics and polished look of the past few years.
Vol Insider :ninja:
(hatvol96 @ Aug 10 said:The NCAA, in their neverending quest to interject themselves into all things irrelevant, has enacted a number of rules related to media guides. For example, the number of color pages is regulated. I'm sure these ridiculous standards have something to do with the change in the look of the guide.
(Bobby Dodd @ Aug 10 said:I miss the huge media guides. The 1997 and 1998 Media guidses were my favorite books as a kid.
(vader @ Aug 10 said:How would I go about getting a copy of the media guide?
(Jasongivm6 @ Aug 10 said:Yeah, I guess it shouldn't matter. It's just a magazine...
But I'm getting a headache staring at that pic.
Are the lights, walls, everything "FREEZE OR I'LL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!!!" Orange?