UGA ahead of UT??? I for the life of me just can't see UGA putting a better team on the field. True we lost SIX games last yr(well i'll say beat ourself in 3 of them Bama, SC, and Vandy) We have the same team(skill positions) That was dubed "National Championship Contender's". Yes I know we lost 6 of the front 7 on D but Chavis could take 6 people off this board and make a D that would be great he is that good of a coach. UGA has TeriSHITski @ qb or some other pine grabber, has to replace 3 on OL(4 the first 2 games due to sup.) I don't know exact numbers on D for them but they took a hit there also. Ok I guess im ranting but I listen to this BS every day how UGA is this top tier team(I live in ga
:banghead and I just can't see it!