2007 all over again?



Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2009
Do yall think this season could turn out similar to 2007 when we traveled to Cal and lost then got blown out by Florida and Bama but still won the east? With the gators not looking so hot on offense and us playing South Carolina and Georgia at home I think its possible.
Were not going to get blown out by Florida. Florida's offense isn't that good and our defense is better then last year. Our offense couldn't stay on the field today which killed the defense against the best offense in the country. You guys on here can turn you back on this staff all you want but I'm not. I'm looking forward to next week, I think we can beat Florida, it will be tough but possible.
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Last week I would have given a conditional affirmative, after this debacle, we have serious gaps to solve before vying for the SEC East.
Do yall think this season could turn out similar to 2007 when we traveled to Cal and lost then got blown out by Florida and Bama but still won the east? With the gators not looking so hot on offense and us playing South Carolina and Georgia at home I think its possible.

offense looks more like 2008.
Dooley's UT team did not give up the same spread that CBJ's #117 did today to OU. Our strides & improvements on D may be very overrated. We'll know next week, if you'll recall the Gator QB basically beat us all by his lonesome self last year, so improvements on D could give us a win, I'm not confident after today we've made that kind of movement yet.
Oregon will do the same thing to teams much better than ours this year.
Those who were expecting different need to change their glasses.
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We have a pretty good Offensive line, other than that, we don't have the kind of talent it takes to win against good competition....it is what is....we're 3-4-5 years away

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