As usual for the true signees it will come down to how our staffs evaluations stack up versus the services.... I always have more confidence in the guys our staff offer earlier in the process before reaching seems in play. This year in particular I like the big bodied three stars on both sides of the ball chances to compete with the higher ranked kids. Seems like quite a few are guys that got a late start in football and it was their physical evaluations at camps that got them offers. If that is true then our staffs teaching ability can turn most into SEC level contributors.
The PWO's sure seem to be a cut above past years as well as I have watched the highlights of most if not all.... When you get a group like that I fear some will end up taking schollies down the food chain or get walkon offers closer to home between now and time to report. In state guys get a lot of help but out of state tuition scares me and might create economic based changes in plans... here is hoping most if not all make it in...