2020 All Things Democrat Hypocrisy Thread



Bush league poster
Sep 13, 2008
I’ve been watching closely some very interesting things going on with some of the 2020 Democrat candidates.

A few of them I found very entertaining. I wanted one thread to discuss this very interesting perspective.

While I agree that this thread title could EASILY read Politician rather than Democrat. I feared, however, that this would turn into just another muh Trump thread.
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Why does Joe Biden and his obvious racism (by the left’s own definition) get a complete pass from the party, the constituency, and the media?

While the media looks to dig up any old quote or action to smear a Republican as a racist.

Imagine any Republican who implied that it was rare to find a black man who spoke articulately and was clean. Even had a Republican said this in middle school, they would be run out of office.

Joe Biden was Vice President and is now running for the top job. No outrage from the left. It’s been swept under the rug.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Joe Biden, describing fellow candidate Barack Obama, 2007
How about the Northam/Fairfax scandal?

Liberal hypocrisy: Democrats' calls for Northam to resign fade as three scandals throw Virginia into chaos

Virginia Legislature WON'T Hold Hearings For Fairfax Sexual Assault Accuers

Kind of funny how during the Kavanaugh hearings we had to "believe all women", however when one of their own gets accused they're oddly silent. Virginia Democrats wouldn't even hold a hearing for the accusers!


Democrats Who Called On Northam To Resign Now Accepting Donations From Him
You can bring up all of their Tax Returns and how they don't contribute to charity.

This one is my favorite:

Former Gillibrand Aide Complained About Handling of Sexual Misconduct Claim
Wow... this one took some balls. What you're basically admitting here is that they do release their tax returns AND... it also sounds like you consider contributing money to charity as being important. I could do a whole spill on the fact that Trump hasn't released his tax returns, as well as the fact that it's well documented how Trump has embellished how much he has contributed to charity (including for the families of 9/11 victims, and for a school in NYC for children with AIDS)... but you already know all of that - and are therefore, being hypocritical yourself.

Let's face it, Trump is the king of hypocrisy. He constantly attacked Barack Obama for playing golf while President but has done the same himself. You could go on and on about Trump's hypocrisy.
Wow... this one took some balls. What you're basically admitting here is that they do release their tax returns AND... it also sounds like you consider contributing money to charity as being important. I could do a whole spill on the fact that Trump hasn't released his tax returns, as well as the fact that it's well documented how Trump has embellished how much he has contributed to charity (including for the families of 9/11 victims, and for a school in NYC for children with AIDS)... but you already know all of that - and are therefore, being hypocritical yourself.

Let's face it, Trump is the king of hypocrisy. He constantly attacked Barack Obama for playing golf while President but has done the same himself. You could go on and on about Trump's hypocrisy.

But.......But.........But...........Trump. LOL.
Thread title is not about Trump......the other 400 threads are for that. This is about stupid Democrats.
How about Evangelical Hypocrisy:
Former evangelical Republican warned that the religious right’s embrace of President Donald Trump’s “moral freak show” will cost Christianity dearly in the future.
.....Peter Wehner, a conservative Christian who served three administrations in the White House, remains baffled by the unwavering support for Trump by fellow evangelicals, and he wrote for The Atlantic that their political hypocrisy would poison their religious movement.
Former Evangelical Republican warns the religious right's support of Trump will harm Christianity
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"Make America great again" implies he believes America isnt great. He must hate America! Send him back!
Yeah, but there is a big difference here. It is okay for white American citizens with European ancestry to criticize the USA, they are still patriots who just want to make things better. When black American citizens criticize the USA, they need to be sent back to where they came from! Even if they were born and raised in the USA. Send them back!
Yeah, but there is a big difference here. It is okay for white American citizens with European ancestry to criticize the USA, they are still patriots who just want to make things better. When black American citizens criticize the USA, they need to be sent back to where they came from! Even if they were born and raised in the USA. Send them back!
Great article in the Times chronicles this phenomenon
16,000 Readers Shared Their Experiences of Being Told to ‘Go Back.’ Here Are Some of Their Stories.
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Exactly. No white person is ever told to "go back" to a European country after criticizing the United States government. It's always someone of color being told to "go back" to their s***hole country, with the insinuation being, an African nation of origin.

With Donald Trump and his supporters, there is an underlying belief that black American citizens are not as patriotic as white American citizens, and they are not as deserving of being here and therefore, do not have the same right as white Americans to complain about things they don't like. It is a subconscious bigotry... but still bigotry, nevertheless.
Wow... this one took some balls. What you're basically admitting here is that they do release their tax returns AND... it also sounds like you consider contributing money to charity as being important. I could do a whole spill on the fact that Trump hasn't released his tax returns, as well as the fact that it's well documented how Trump has embellished how much he has contributed to charity (including for the families of 9/11 victims, and for a school in NYC for children with AIDS)... but you already know all of that - and are therefore, being hypocritical yourself.

Let's face it, Trump is the king of hypocrisy. He constantly attacked Barack Obama for playing golf while President but has done the same himself. You could go on and on about Trump's hypocrisy.

I don't care about what Trump does honestly. I don't like anyone who wants to raise my taxes.
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