You know, you could sit down and breakdown all of the mistakes Holly made in the final minutes with not substituting during breaks for offense or defense, who she trusted to win the game etc... But this game was lost the moment the team stepped on the court. It was the typical, scared, afraid to lose, tepid, beta female BS that is the hallmark of this team.
There was no excuse for what we saw. They let a single player beat them just like they have over and over again in recent years. They passed up open shots because they are afraid to shoot and aren't drilled to take and hit them. An open shot from the free throw line should be made about 60-70% of the time but we constantly pass them up only to take a harder shot later in the shot clock.
They bricked layups over and over again because apparently no one has ever impressed upon them the importance of making those. I swear I think Graves thinks you score a point for each time you hit the bottom of the rim. And Holly thought she was going to win the game for us. Fortunately for Graves the UTC announcer channeled his inner Kessling and called her Gilbert all night.
This is the product that Holly has had three years to construct and refine. I think she has had enough time to show us what she can do. But with Hart as the AD we would probably get some PE coach from a local high school.