5 Star Hotel in Spokane

Team is staying at The Davenport Hotel:

The Davenport Hotel - Spokane, WA

The point is in reference to the story published in the KNS dated 11/17/08 "Changes hit basketball ushers." To a large number on this board, it might have seemed so insignifacant, the title that is, that you skipped right over it. If you did read it, you probably just chuckled and said, but they get to watch all the games for next to nothing anyway, big deal!

One of the reasons for taking away these "Bluehairs" free hot dog and soft drink they used to get when working a game, was to offset the expected increase in travel expenses due to higher fuel costs among other things. They even quoted a figure of $80,000 savings from the decision. How much money do you suppose was spent on just one night of their stay at the Davenport. I'll bet one less night in the 5 stars each of the remaining road trips, or maybe even lower them selves to 4 star trips, and that $80,000 would be more than made up for AND THEM SOME.

Those "Bluehairs" used to be just like alot of you. Donating the minimum amount, stretching their budget, to get season tickets for every men's and women's game. Over the years they lose them for one reason or another, either by their own budget restrictions or by the Athletic Department "holding them up for mo money to keep them. Working as an usher is the only way to still get to watch them. They've loved their teams all these years good and bad. Except for the price, who doesn't like a dog and coke at a ballgame.

I'll bet that nobody has heard a complaint out of one usher this season, they're smiling and doing their part 'cause they love the Vols.
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Give them folks their hot dog and coke back. How ridiculous to make an issue over something like that. Everyone knows that a weiner wholesale only cost maybe .5 to .10 and if they give them the fountain soda drinks - wow - the athletic dept. Is making a fortune off of those things. Most of the drink is watered down and is probaly still only pennies on the dollar. If ut is that hard up i am sure that the ushers would pay .10 or .20 for their hotdog to cover the cost of the bun and a quarter or two for their beverage which are watered down anyway if the dept is really having it so hard. Food is the cheapest bonus that you could give your employee and i'm sure they have used that as a big write off in years past. I can't believe that this was ever allowed to get out. It sickens me thinking how hard and nice these ushers are to each and every person, the mega bucks that the dept. Is making and how bad they have chosen to treat their employees. Ashamed on whomever caused this to happen.

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