63 Stickers


Smokey 25

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
Lets here your opinions on who earned a 63 sticker for their performance during the WKU game. It would be good to hear your reasoning for your opinions and if possible the play that made you think they deserve it.

I like what Marlin Lane did. Ran hard on every run andante the most of his carries although he isn't the #1. However, from only watching the game I don't think we can make that assumption. But from what we can see that's who I think.
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I love the way Lane puts his head down and churns those legs for the extra yardage. Good nomination.
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Sutton. Burned on a play in one series. Takes a pick 6 the next time they try the same play. Came up in run support very well. Petrino tried to pick on him and couldn't. That in and of itself is pretty impressive. Petrino is a master of isolating defensive players and beating them.
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Josh Smith on O. Blocked well, ran his routes well, and caught the ball when it came his way.
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Actually pretty disappointed in both RB's. Both seemed to break through tackles then stumble to the ground rather than staying up. Noticed backs in other games doing the same thing then regaining their balance to take on yardage. Need more YACs from both guys.
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Actually pretty disappointed in both RB's. Both seemed to break through tackles then stumble to the ground rather than staying up. Noticed backs in other games doing the same thing then regaining their balance to take on yardage. Need more YACs from both guys.

I can see your point, but you have to admit they are night and day from all of the dancing around that went on last year.
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If North would have gotten a decent ball tossed his way he would have gotten one. I wish we could have seen more from him. The circus catch he made while on the ground was unbelievable.. That being said the O Line took a big step forward IMO. I say the O Line collectively gets one.
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Probably it's just me, but I wish they put the 63 in the locker room or on the sideline. Not a huge fan of that being on their helmet. I don't care that strongly though. Just win!

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