1. Since we have the Vol Navy why don't UT honor a Navy Veteran at the halftime of the Homecoming game or something to embrace the military. It would be cool to tie that in.
2. Watching vintage videos the stands are full of orange and white shakers and it looks awesome.......bring those back!
3. Get the crowd involved in a orange and white checkerboard for a special night game.....every other section wears orange and the others wear white shirts.
While I get your point(s) in general, your first comment feels like somehow UT is missing a connection to the military.
If that is your conclusion, I would strongly suggest you research where the school got the name "Volunteer." There is even a mascot on the sidelines that wears a 'coon skin cap that is famous for his connection to Tennessee and for taking up arms. In fact, the ARMY R.O.T.C. department brought you a young officer by the name of Neyland, whose original assignment was to lead the group of young Army officer candidates who attended UT.
I would argue that besides the service academies and perhaps Texas A&M, Tennessee has one of the strongest military traditions of any school in the NCAA. Actually, I could argue that UT has a longer (perhaps stronger) connection to the military than West Point, as its roots were as an all male military institution that started a few decades before that school on the Hudson. There is a long tradition of very fine officers who got their commission at the University of Tennessee.
My biggest disagreement with your premise is the idea that with such a long standing military tradition that already exists, specifically through the Army and Air Force, that UT ignores that and brings in the Navy because of a few people with access to pleasure craft.
But, that's just my opinion.