A License Required for your HOUSE?



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Ah, so this is socialism.....

A License will be required for your house...no longer just for cars and mobile homes....Thinking about selling your house? Take a look at H.R. 2454 (Cap and Trade bill). This is unbelievable! Home owners take note and tell your friends and relatives who are home owners!

Beginning one year after enactment of the Cap and Trade Act, you won't be able to sell your home unless you retrofit it to comply with the energy and water efficiency standards of this "Cap & Trade" bill, passed by the House of Representatives. If it is also passed by the Senate, it will be the largest tax increase any of us has ever experienced.

The Congressional Budget Office (supposedly non-partisan) estimates that in just a few years the average cost to every family of four will be $6,800 per year. No one is excluded. However, once the lower classes feel the pinch in their wallets, you can be sure that these voters will get a tax refund (even if they pay no taxes at all) to offset this new cost. Thus, you Mr. And Mrs. Middle Class have to pay even more since additional tax dollars will be needed to bail out everyone else..

But wait. This awful bill (that no one in Congress has actually read) has many more surprises in it. Probably the worst one is this: A year from now you won't be able to sell your house without some bureaucrat's OK. Yes, you read that right.

The caveat (there always is a caveat) is that if you have enough money to make required major upgrades to your home, then you can sell it. But, if not, then forget it. Even pre-fabricated homes ("mobile homes") are included. In effect, this bill prevents you from selling your home without the permission of the EPA administrator.

To get this permission, you will have to have the energy efficiency of your home measured. Then the government will tell you what your new energy efficiency requirement is and you will be required to make modifications to your home under the retrofit provisions of this Act, to comply with the new energy and water efficiency requirements.

Then you will have to get your home measured again and get a license (called a "label" in the Act) that must be posted on your property to show what your efficiency rating is; sort of like the Energy Star efficiency rating label on your refrigerator or air conditioner. If you don't get a high enough rating, you can't sell.

And, the EPA administrator is authorized to raise the standards every year, even above the automatic energy efficiency increases built into the Act. The EPA administrator, appointed by the President, will run the Cap & Trade program (AKA the "American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009") and is authorized to make any future changes to the regulations and standards he/she alone determines to be in the government's best interest. Requirements are set low initially so the bill will pass Congress. Then the Administrator can set new standards every year.

The Act itself contains annual required increases in energy efficiency for private and commercial residences and buildings. However, the EPA administrator can set higher standards at any time. Sect. 202 - Building Retrofit Program mandates a national retrofit program to increase the energy efficiency of all existing homes across America.

Beginning one year after enactment of the Act, you won't be able to sell your home unless you retrofit it to comply with its energy and water efficiency standards. You had better sell soon, because the standards will be raised each year and will be really hard (expen$ive) to meet in a few years. Oh, goody!

The Act allows the government to give you a grant of several thousand dollars to comply with the retrofit program requirements IF you meet certain energy efficiency levels. But, wait, the State can set additional requirements on who qualifies to receive the grants. You should expect requirements such as "can't have an income of more than $50K per year", "home selling price can't be more than $125K", or anything else to target the upper middle class (that includes YOU?) and prevent you from qualifying for the grants.

Most of us won't get a dime and will have to pay the entire cost of the retrofit out of our own pockets. More transfer of wealth, more "change you can believe in." Sect. 204 - Building Energy Performance Labeling Program establishes a labeling program that for each individual residence will identify the achieved energy efficiency performance for "at least 90 percent of the residential market within 5 years after the date of the enactment of this Act."

This means that within 5 years 90% of all residential homes in the U.S. must be measured and labeled. The EPA administrator will get $50M each year to enforce the labeling program. The Secretary of the Department of Energy will get an additional $20M each year to help the EPA. Some of this money will, of course, be spent on coming up with tougher standards each year...

Oh, the label will be like a license for your car. You will be required to post the label in a conspicuous location in your home and will not be allowed to sell your home without having this label. And, just like your car license, you will probably be required to get a new label every so often - maybe every year.

But, the government estimates the cost of measuring the energy efficiency of your home should only cost about $200 each time. Remember what they said about the auto smog inspections when they first started: that in California? It would only cost $15. That was when the program started. Now the cost is about $50 for the inspection and certificate.

Expect the same from the home labeling program. Sect. 304 - Greater Energy Efficiency in Building Codes establishes new energy efficiency guidelines for the National Building Code and mandates at 304(d) that one year after enactment of this Act, all state and local jurisdictions must adopt the National Building Code energy efficiency provisions or must obtain a certification from the federal government that their state and/or local codes have been brought into full compliance with the National Building Code energy efficiency standards.

The Federal Observer 04.09.10 UPDATE: Thinking about selling your house? - A look at H.R. 2454 (Cap and trade bill)

Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home

H.R. 2454: American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (GovTrack.us)
There should be blood in the streets if this makes it to Obama's desk for a signing ceremony...
This is a big problem when driving energy efficiency standards for buildings. The idea of limiting it to new construction doesn't work well because the lifetime of a home/office/etc. is so long. Therefore, they look for something new to do, which is OK with me. However, this really does sound like it could be a mess, and I've thought that since the first time I read through parts of this bill. I wonder if a tax credit system for (rated/labeled) energy efficiency upgrades would be more effective.
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,"

Not sure why this would be surprising to anyone.
Where's our socialist democratic sycophant lawgator to defend this?
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I think if the federal government can prove you are a US citizen you should be forced to wear a white armband with the word in pink:


The federal government has been getting by with stuff like this for a long long time, of course under this administration the slow walk and the trotsky trot have turned into a galloping stampede in trampling citizen's constitutional rights, and always on the flimsiest of logic and reasoning.

Before they tackle crap and tax they will attempt what they will bill as immigration reform.

Reid vows to make amnesty a top priority.

The Senate Majority Leader also discussed re-examining employer sanctions for hiring illegal aliens. Reid said he wants to enact the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, also known as the DREAM Act.

As far as I'm concerned anyone who doesn't think the two party system of Demon-cans vs Repuslive-crats hasn't been conning us with the good cop, bad cop game since the early 50s when I first started to observe the American political circus, is just dreaming.

The well organized demonstration in Las Vegas was duplicated in Seatle among other locations in America.

Although the government takeover of the administration of medical services was perceived to be a totally democrat driven agenda, on the open borders program there will be no shortage of rino supporters led by McAmnesty and Gramnesty who also will be ever so supportive of climate change legislation.

Any fool who things these fools can control the weather is ... well ....a damned fool, and any fool who things controling the weather is the purpose of the legislation is ........ well..... a doubled damned barreled fool.

Until now things have gone more slowly, with the usual pereception that the American people approve of changes being made by Washington. (always perported to be in our best interests)

Now even that pretense has been dropped, they knew the vast majority of Americans oppossed obamacare, but they didn't care.

Public outrage won't stop the open borders policy and public outrage won't stop the crappy tax legislation either.
The only chance we have to save the country via the political process is if the elecorate throws every incumbent out of office and replaces them with a constitutionilist, regardless of political affliation.

I fear that it won't happen, even with the outrage people feel at both parties, they have too much invested in their labels.
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The only chance we have to save the country via the political process is if the elecorate throws every incumbent out of office and replaces them with a constitutionilist, regardless of political affliation.

I fear that it won't happen, even with the outrage people feel at both parties, they have too much invested in their labels.
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I guess Obama will get a pass on that, also...

It would appear so.

The political process would appear to be totally corrupted, if I understand the issue all sorts of checks were bypassed or ignored and I have read that Dick Chaney was the final stopgap and he didn't bring it up either.

Rumor has it that Palin wanted to go into attack mode the last few weeks of the campaign but the McLame nixed the idea.

As Thomas Sowel remarked; "only two things could ever make me vote for McCain, Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton."

My feelings exactly.
McCain never was meant to win, Republocrats nominated the wrong person. But some will say I'm conspiratorial.
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It is a tragedy that people don't actually read the bill before they make an ass of themselves on the internet.

Disclaimer: I think the bill is stupid, counterproductive nonsense. However, I hate misinformation even more.

Section 204 labels energy-efficient homes. When you sell your house, you have to disclose if it does not pass the energy-efficiency test.

That's it.

A disclosure.

Not: "You cannot sellz your homez OMG OMG OMG"

Like I said: A stupid law, a waste of money.....but the tin-hat nuts will have to latch onto something else.

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