A must watch for all Americans



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
I post this as a person who does not like Donald Trump and has not voted for him. So, if you think I'm biased for Trump, you are grossly mistaken. Every citizen of the U.S. should watch the Amazon Prime documentary "The Plot Against the President". I would love to see your comments after you have watched it.
I post this as a person who does not like Donald Trump and has not voted for him. So, if you think I'm biased for Trump, you are grossly mistaken. Every citizen of the U.S. should watch the Amazon Prime documentary "The Plot Against the President". I would love to see your comments after you have watched it.
It’s also available here
Watch Now - The Plot Against the President

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ThE dEeP sTaTe Is A mYtH tHaT oNlY rEd HaTs BeLiEvE iN!!!
Again, I detest Trump. I'm not a republican. Just watch the documentary and see if you feel the same way you do now. If you don't watch it, just keep your head stuck in the sand, dismissing anything that contradicts your belief that Dems are saints and Republicans are evil. Both parities have corruption issues. If you watch the documentary and can provide facts that refute the assertions therein, I can respect that. If you dismiss it without any rational thought, you are part of the problem.
I post this as a person who does not like Donald Trump and has not voted for him. So, if you think I'm biased for Trump, you are grossly mistaken. Every citizen of the U.S. should watch the Amazon Prime documentary "The Plot Against the President". I would love to see your comments after you have watched it.
Dems don't give a damn they just want power. They feed off of increasing the divide.
Rudy G has just a few weeks to present his evidence to the courts. It shouldn’t be hard since he already has it. Then the SC that Trump set up will strike it down, and they will be part of the deep state. Right Trumpers?
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Again, I detest Trump. I'm not a republican. Just watch the documentary and see if you feel the same way you do now. If you don't watch it, just keep your head stuck in the sand, dismissing anything that contradicts your belief that Dems are saints and Republicans are evil. Both parities have corruption issues. If you watch the documentary and can provide facts that refute the assertions therein, I can respect that. If you dismiss it without any rational thought, you are part of the problem.
My post was sarcasm.
Rudy G has just a few weeks to present his evidence to the courts. It shouldn’t be hard since he already has it. Then the SC that Trump set up will strike it down, and they will be part of the deep state. Right Trumpers?

The sad part is your hatred for Trump overrides all logical thinking. It truly is unfathomable to me that people really believe that corruption does not exist at our highest levels. This was never about Trump winning it was about our Republic and what makes us America. I keep reading about Trumpers and their stupidity from the left but maybe just maybe we see the country differently and believe in the core values of what made this country great. I know it’s crazy but yes, I can have a differing opinion than you.

Unfortunately, in the direction that we’re heading we can no longer have a differing opinions without being classified as something. I just hope that I’m wrong and the country that I live in will maintain its Republic roots and not transition into something else that my children have to fight to get back. So as a conservative I wish the best for President Biden and will prepare just in case.

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