A New Direction For America?



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
House Dems

The American people are facing difficult times. Rising gas and health care costs are taking a toll on family budgets. Wages have not kept pace with inflation. Bright and eager high school graduates can no longer afford to go to college. And record deficits threaten to bury future generations in debt. America needs a New Direction. House Democrats will lead the way.

First off, anyone think this will work in the campaign?

Second, please explain to me why retirement is listed twice

Third, why is college costs listed twice?

Fourth, pick any one item and tell me just what they plan to do…because they don’t ever say.

Fifth, please explain to me why retirement is listed twice

Sixth, why is college costs listed twice?

Politics. It's about sound bites. Republicans do the same thing. They say crap like, "We're going to bring integrity back to the white house." They don't say how. (It turns out, it's by lying, cheating, stealing and killing, but that's another story).

The idea in this crap, both Rep & Dem, is to appeal to peoples' emotions in quick, meaningless soundbites. They've been doing it for a long time.

Putting aside my political views and looking at this purely from a Marketing standpoint, no I don't think this will work . . . The concepts are way too vague. Democrats have been running campaigns this way since they controlled both Houses. There's no meat to any of this.

Democrats love to rip the Republican Contract with America that Gingrich fashioned in 1994 that led to sweeping GOP victories, but agree or disagree, there's a reason that it worked.
These are all top polling issues. They're what Americans are concerned about. It's great that the Dems recognize these are the key issues. But until they get a plan in place to do something about this, this whole list is nothing more than questions for your friendly polling firm to ask about. That is as far as this goes.
(CSpindizzy @ Jul 11 said:
These are all top polling issues. They're what Americans are concerned about. It's great that the Dems recognize these are the key issues. But until they get a plan in place to do something about this, this whole list is nothing more than questions for your friendly polling firm to ask about. That is as far as this goes.

They also need to get strong candidates who will lower their standards and run a dirty election like the Republicans have been doing. Enough of the "high road" and "dignified" campaigns.

(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 11 said:
They also need to get strong candidates who will lower their standards and run a dirty election like the Republicans have been doing. Enough of the "high road" and "dignified" campaigns.

Sure, the dems never run dirty elections :blink:

There's a name for a candidate who "plays fair' in an election, Loser.
(hohenfelsvol @ Jul 11 said:
What about mentioning Cheney's lesbian daughter about 3 times during a debate?

:dunno: Was that a lie?
Unfortunately no matter what party it is tactics over the last 20+yrs to bring out skeletons. Everything from dope smoking to drunk driving. Its funny too. Most doing the committess or campaigns themselves are dirtier then those having to answer the questions.
Let's see:

The Kerry/Edwards campaign produced a manual showing operatives how to pre-emptively claim voter fraud and intimidation.

Memo-gate (dem operatives)

TV ads suggesting W supporting the vicious murder of the African American that was dragged behind a car but a bunch of psychos

Routine scare tactics used with African Americans and the Elderly that Republicans are going to take away funding or social security.

Just a few examples of the proud litany.

Now I'm not suggesting the Republicans don't do it as well but the sins apply to both parties.
The Democrats should try something like this..


Praise God and pass out the cash
By: Harley Sorensen

In that case, I think it's time -- way past time -- for those who profess Christianity to return to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Duping the devout is not Christian.

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you have to concentrate on."

To me, that quote pretty much sums up what the Bush Administration is all about.
IMO, this is a perfect example why Democrats are having trouble winning elections. There are two choices for the party that is in the minority: 1) Lament how stupid you think the voters are and stay in the minority or 2) come up with better ideas and provide a viable alternative.

Trying to win an election based on "We are not them" seldom works.

On a side note . . . Those talking points have gotten around. I've been listening to XM all morning and I've heard 3 Democratic congressmen weave those statements into responses to Bush's speech this morning about how well the economy is doing due to tax cuts.
(GAVol @ Jul 11 said:
IMO, this is a perfect example why Democrats are having trouble winning elections.

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you have to concentrate on."

That was a quote from Bush's mouth, not mine.

OWB . . . you ignorant slut! :D

I wasn't really referring to just that post. More or less I was talking about the overall tenor of a lot of Democrats who act as if Bush is an idiot and anybody that voted for him must be too and that Republicans win elections because the are somehow dirtier and better at fooling people.
(GAVol @ Jul 11 said:
Bush is an idiot and anybody that voted for him must be too and that Republicans win elections because the are somehow dirtier and better at fooling people.

Yep, that pretty much sums it up. :biggrin2:
Hmm...the Catholic Church only came out against Kerry while he was running for election. That is news to me. Seems to me that he has been threatened with excommunication more times than I can count on one hand for his voting record concerning abortion.

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