"a public health emergency that's threatening democracy"


Vol Main

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010

"It establishes this camaraderie and this feeling of righteousness and this cause for your life, and that feels very invigorating and almost addictive. You feel like you are fighting the battle for goodness, and all of a sudden you are the hero."

"In other cases, the allure may be what Benscoter calls 'easy answers to life's hard questions.' "

"It establishes this camaraderie and this feeling of righteousness and this cause for your life, and that feels very invigorating and almost addictive. You feel like you are fighting the battle for goodness, and all of a sudden you are the hero."

"In other cases, the allure may be what Benscoter calls 'easy answers to life's hard questions.' "

I didn’t listen. Is this about climate change?

"It establishes this camaraderie and this feeling of righteousness and this cause for your life, and that feels very invigorating and almost addictive. You feel like you are fighting the battle for goodness, and all of a sudden you are the hero."

"In other cases, the allure may be what Benscoter calls 'easy answers to life's hard questions.' "

With the staggering number of things our government has done to its own citizens in the name of national security or progress I don't blame folks for thinking the people in charge have to be lizard men. The alternative is there are some psychotic mother****ers running things.
With the staggering number of things our government has done to its own citizens in the name of national security or progress I don't blame folks for thinking the people in charge have to be lizard men. The alternative is there are some psychotic mother****ers running things.
All the stories about monsters were just cover ups for sick people that normal society couldnt explain.

Man kills wife.that cant be right, well ugh, man was actually a wolf man, beware the full moon.
Persons throat is slit and they are bled like a hunted animal.ugh Well, man was actually this undead thing that drinks blood and sparkles in terrible movies.

We will tell ourselves whatever story we need to hear to avoid the uncomfortable reality we live in.
All the stories about monsters were just cover ups for sick people that normal society couldnt explain.

Man kills wife.that cant be right, well ugh, man was actually a wolf man, beware the full moon.
Persons throat is slit and they are bled like a hunted animal.ugh Well, man was actually this undead thing that drinks blood and sparkles in terrible movies.

We will tell ourselves whatever story we need to hear to avoid the uncomfortable reality we live in.

Like, when you tell yourself that what’s going on in government is normal.
I love how a state that has issued draconian style mandates and is run by Democrats tries to cast blame for things onto Republicans who want nothing more than freedom.
With the exception of a few, the Republican Party was more than willing to line up and demonstrate their obedience. Same for the Libertarian Party. None of the parties have anything of value to offer.
I love how a state that has issued draconian style mandates and is run by Democrats tries to cast blame for things onto Republicans who want nothing more than freedom.
but the discouraging thing is that they have been successful in convincing the sheeple that they speak the truth.

"It establishes this camaraderie and this feeling of righteousness and this cause for your life, and that feels very invigorating and almost addictive. You feel like you are fighting the battle for goodness, and all of a sudden you are the hero."

"In other cases, the allure may be what Benscoter calls 'easy answers to life's hard questions.' "

Liberal pussification paired with socialism retardation is the true disease that's threatening the USA
Liberal pussification paired with socialism retardation is the true disease that's threatening the USA

We can rely on you to resist liberal pussification and socialist retardation, with no thought given to those many other things they do not explain.
With the staggering number of things our government has done to its own citizens in the name of national security or progress I don't blame folks for thinking the people in charge have to be lizard men. The alternative is there are some psychotic mother****ers running things.

If you've met lifelong govvies you know this is the truth.

I don't buy the conspiracy stuff that's way out there like lizard men and whatever. The 'deep state' is real, but not this nefarious sci-fi shadow government. It's just a government with a garbage culture run by moron statists. You see it in the public appearances of many of these people, and they carry the same attitude of arrogance and disdain for the 'lesser' that our friends like Grade F troll @Vol Main have. You know if that xir had even an ounce of power xit would abuse it.

It's weird to me that they're so anti-police, too. If cops get away with everything that these clowns say they get away with I'd think they'd want to roll right into that kind of job and get to beat up on whoever.
I love how a state that has issued draconian style mandates and is run by Democrats tries to cast blame for things onto Republicans who want nothing more than freedom.
If we truly wanted freedom we would, with state rights, box in the federal government again. They walk on us under the color of law and we let them. States don’t have to follow what the federal gov mandates. Mandates aren’t laws. Any state, via their constitution, can shut the federal gov out of their business. Greed and corruption at state level has gotten so bad they are ok being led around by the nose as long as they get that federal funding for xyz.
We have so many people who can’t and won’t manage themselves as responsible adults and turn to the nanny state to meet their needs they give up all their freedoms and rights to the state and federal gov for a check.
I don’t see those sucking on gov teet changing tomorrow and becoming responsible for themselves. The drain will continue as long as the people continue to let the gov be their god and tell them what to do. I would prefer the gov, at all levels, go kick rocks and stay out of my life.
We can rely on you to resist liberal pussification and socialist retardation, with no thought given to those many other things they do not explain.
Look in the mirror.... and try to explain what you see..... then come back and present your research
If we truly wanted freedom we would, with state rights, box in the federal government again. They walk on us under the color of law and we let them. States don’t have to follow what the federal gov mandates. Mandates aren’t laws. Any state, via their constitution, can shut the federal gov out of their business. Greed and corruption at state level has gotten so bad they are ok being led around by the nose as long as they get that federal funding for xyz.
We have so many people who can’t and won’t manage themselves as responsible adults and turn to the nanny state to meet their needs they give up all their freedoms and rights to the state and federal gov for a check.
I don’t see those sucking on gov teet changing tomorrow and becoming responsible for themselves. The drain will continue as long as the people continue to let the gov be their god and tell them what to do. I would prefer the gov, at all levels, go kick rocks and stay out of my life.

Long quote, and author may not be correct.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.
Alexander Fraser Tytler
Long quote, and author may not be correct.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.
Alexander Fraser Tytler

He pretty much has it right. We tried to avoid the democracy trap with a republican form of government; but once our representatives learned to trade favors (draining the treasury "for" us) as a means to perpetual reelection, we became no better than a straight democracy - there's just an extra step. The problem with the extra step, as the covid "relief" bill shows, is that most of the money plundered from the treasury by politicians doesn't go to the average citizen.
Look in the mirror.... and try to explain what you see..... then come back and present your research

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