A question for Vol fans and rival supporters about Vol Nation?


Volosaurus rex

Doctorate in Volology
Dec 2, 2009
I am not certain as to the most appropriate forum for this topic, so, moderators, please feel free to move this thread as you see fit. Like many orange-blooded contributors to Vol Nation, I rarely frequent the message boards of other universities. We, however, are both blessed and cursed by frequent visits from rival supporters.

Therefore, I pose the following question and direct it particularly to our visitors for their input: What motivates you to participate in forum discussions on this website? Is it the sheer volume of traffic, compared to other sites you have visited? Is it the "quality of intellectual discourse on sports-related topics"? (Note: Snickering in the corner would be considered very bad taste for visitors to manifest on our cyber turf.) Is it the breadth and quality of content on this site or the sheer, unbridled joy of taking pot shots at supporters of a rival institution? In short, how does Vol Nation compare to other sites you have visited, particularly those of Florida, Alabama, Georgia, LSU and whomever else you wish to fill in the blank with?
I've said it before, I hate forums where everyone just agrees with one another. I would rather talk with rivals. It's much more interesting.

VN, in particular, is lenient toward outsiders. And there are some really knowledgable posters on here. They make it fun.
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See fade's topic on unwritten rules and you have my answer. This place is hysterical. It is a roller-coaster of emotions and can change in an instant.
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I have a buddy who is a big Dawg fan and he's on here pretty frequently. Basically he says he's never found another forum site that is as well-structured and easy to navigate as this one. And if you surf around some other teams' fan sites, you'll see how correct he really is.
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It's free. Most people aren't going to pay to troll people or visit other team's sites. Plus I think it's easy for the Bammers to understand because for the most part the average reading level for VN members is the 2nd Grade.
this has been answered before, but i'll make a list here (in no particular order)

1. there is an active level of participation

2. i know about the gators. being here gives me an idea of thoughts from other places, especially since there are participants from other places besides tennessee

3. for the most part, there is an acceptance of free expression.

4. the layout of the board is also good. very good set up.

5. there are plenty of people around who are bat **** crazy
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See fade's topic on unwritten rules and you have my answer. This place is hysterical. It is a roller-coaster of emotions and can change in an instant.

Well, for anyone who likes to sit back and watch the fur fly, even between supporters of the same institution, it certainly can be entertaining.
I had been looking for a good UT Vols forum to keep me updated on everything and the first thing I found here was the recruiting tweets ongoing thread over in the recruiting forum. I followed that for a few weeks and checked out the other forums and was like "man I wanna be in the conversation dangit!"

That was about a month ago. Here I am :)
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i meant to also say that i am another reason for you all to hate espn.

i came over here because the gator website i belong to and this website were both affiliated with espn.

in fact, i don't remember even registering with this website.

my gator login and password were good when i came over, if i recall correctly.

been so long, i don't remember
This site is very tolerant of rival fans. I personally don't visit ANY other team sites but it is nice to have these guys here for a little smack talk every now and then.
i also must say all the other forums are fun too.

vol66 deserves a lot of respect. anyone who can live and die with every inning of a baseball team this bad should be saluted.

for his sake especially, i hope the baseball team sees good times very soon.
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I did a google search for Vols message boards and VN was the first one that came up. When I first joined there were only a handful of regular posters. This place has expoded over the years.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I found this place once, can't remember how, and was amazed that it was a free site with so much info. I lurked around a few others, but then I found out that news always broke here first so this became my one and only Vol message board. It truly is very well done.
I come here so that I can talk to like minded individuals. There are idiots, however, the crediable ones make this place what it is - volnation.
The outsiders get a fair amount of bashing, I know the OP wasn't in this instance though. Aside from the Johnny come lately rival crowd that pops up right before a particular matchup one of the things I like a about VN is the batch of regular outsiders we have. Many of them have a lot of SEC and sports knowledge and bring some outside perspective that is lacking elsewhere.

The only thing annoying about it is the state of UT sports and how little we have to rub in their faces.
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I am not certain as to the most appropriate forum for this topic, so, moderators, please feel free to move this thread as you see fit. Like many orange-blooded contributors to Vol Nation, I rarely frequent the message boards of other universities. We, however, are both blessed and cursed by frequent visits from rival supporters.

Therefore, I pose the following question and direct it particularly to our visitors for their input: What motivates you to participate in forum discussions on this website? Is it the sheer volume of traffic, compared to other sites you have visited? Is it the "quality of intellectual discourse on sports-related topics"? (Note: Snickering in the corner would be considered very bad taste for visitors to manifest on our cyber turf.) Is it the breadth and quality of content on this site or the sheer, unbridled joy of taking pot shots at supporters of a rival institution? In short, how does Vol Nation compare to other sites you have visited, particularly those of Florida, Alabama, Georgia, LSU and whomever else you wish to fill in the blank with?

This is a forum for discussion but I like it because I can find out the latest happenings of our current teams or the rumors on the recruiting front. I can do this almost immeditely and not have to depend on word of mouth from my friends who are also Vols fans.

I am immediately updated on "Everything Vols"
I like this site because it's a lot like a trip to Dollywood. After being here for a while and seeing the level of intelligence, I felt a lot better about myself and my family!:)
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I like this site because it's a lot like a trip to Dollywood. After being here for a while and seeing the level of intelligence, I felt a lot better about myself and my family!:)

Never thought of it that way, but I can't argue with you. :good!:
I've said it before, I hate forums where everyone just agrees with one another. I would rather talk with rivals. It's much more interesting.

VN, in particular, is lenient toward outsiders. And there are some really knowledgable posters on here. They make it fun.

Go play in traffic, troll. :finger3: :machgun: :censored: :the_finger: :pilot: :gun: :bash: :bad:

:) j/k
I am not certain as to the most appropriate forum for this topic, so, moderators, please feel free to move this thread as you see fit. Like many orange-blooded contributors to Vol Nation, I rarely frequent the message boards of other universities. We, however, are both blessed and cursed by frequent visits from rival supporters.

Therefore, I pose the following question and direct it particularly to our visitors for their input: What motivates you to participate in forum discussions on this website? Is it the sheer volume of traffic, compared to other sites you have visited? Is it the "quality of intellectual discourse on sports-related topics"? (Note: Snickering in the corner would be considered very bad taste for visitors to manifest on our cyber turf.) Is it the breadth and quality of content on this site or the sheer, unbridled joy of taking pot shots at supporters of a rival institution? In short, how does Vol Nation compare to other sites you have visited, particularly those of Florida, Alabama, Georgia, LSU and whomever else you wish to fill in the blank with?

This site is pretty good for a free site, which is what I look for. I don't care to pay for talking college football. Our paid site "Dawgvent" has more informed posters, but I know what UGA fans think about. I like to get rival news, etc.

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