I don't think, pragmatically speaking, that the debt can be fixed simply by increasing taxes on the wealthy. It won't make up that big a hole.
On the flip side, morally and pragmatically speaking, it cannot be fixed simply by cutting SS and Medicare.
Both have to be done, and in differing ways. 1) Taxes on the wealthiest must be increased. Eliminate the Bush tax cuts. I'm okay with doing it gradually, say, over 3 years. 2) The tax break for capital gains must be eliminated. Trickle down is a lie. Again, I am okay with restoring tax sanity on capital gains over, say, a period of 3-5 years. 3) SS and Medicare must be cut. I don;t think a needs-based sliding scale is the way to go. Rather, a basic cut on the order of 10 % of all benefits, current and future, would be advisable, and we could do that right away. 4) All federal spending must be cut, including defense. 10 %, over, say, two years.