A Time to Rejoice



Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
Everyone is down today, thinking this is the worst day in Volunteer basketball.

Folks, we just secured Bruce Pearl as our coach for the next ten years with the events that unfolded today.

Think back to his first and second year, and remember what he done for us. He's a great coach, and this great coach isn't going anywhere!

I'll take 2 years of no post season play to keep Pearl for 10. Everyone with me - Brrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccceeeeeee!:pepper:
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Is that right? No Big Dance invitations for 2 years? Really?

Nah, that'll be the worse we'll see. I'm thinking it'll take the rest of the year to investigate, and they'll slap us with something starting next year.
This is the first time I've seen someone say they want a coach that will put the school on probation.:bad:
Call me crazy, but I think Satchel has a point. I just hope he self imposed sanctions will keep us from a post season ban.
Everyone is down today, thinking this is the worst day in Volunteer basketball.

Folks, we just secured Bruce Pearl as our coach for the next ten years with the events that unfolded today.

Think back to his first and second year, and remember what he done for us. He's a great coach, and this great coach isn't going anywhere!

I'll take 2 years of no post season play to keep Pearl for 10. Everyone with me - Brrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccceeeeeee!:pepper:

This is why people make fun of UT.
Well lets see. If BP can't do those illegal recruiting things anymore its probably going to knock him down 2 or 3 wins a year, Say to 22 wins - thats what Jerry Green averaged when he was canned!
Hmmm ... Let me think ...

- We could try to find a coach who seems to have cornered the modern market in Pomade, managed to somehow land one amazing fluke recruiting class only to pretty much never be heard from again ... or

- We could look for a coach who adheres to the shot clock in ALL aspects of life - including unseemly romantic tete-a-tetes ... or

- We could see if there's another coach available who hobnobs with people so foul that even other pimps go, "Dude!" And, then, uses said leech to help convince athletically talented kids that education is a joke, that millions are scattered before them like shells on a beach just waiting to be picked up. Because, hey, we all know nothing could ever go wrong in life, right? Top athletes never suffer from career-ending injuries or become victimized by slimy parasites who drain their bank accounts. do they? ... or

- We could simply chill out. Recognize that shirt happens. Acknowledge that humans make mistakes. Be thankful that SOME of the people making mistakes stick around long enough to be punished for them and try to learn from them. Keep a little perspective and realize that Bruce's colossal initial mistake was MAKING TOO MANY PHONE CALLS. Sure, the lying turned a little deal into more of a big deal. But, people ... It's phone calls ... To blue chip prospects that in years past wouldn't have even answered the phone once they heard the Tennessee coach was on the other line.

Pound for pound, year for year, Bruce has done more for the Tennessee men's basketball program than any other coach, and he still has a long career ahead of him.

This isn't going to be a long, drawn-out scandal 'cause the guy already fessed up. What's an opposing coach gonna say? "You don't want to go to Tennessee. That guy is known for making too many phone calls!" Oooooo!

Bruce did NOT disgrace UT. He got caught being human. Now, he's standing there, taking his punishment like a man. With no off-campus recruiting for a year, we'll take a hit. BUT ... He's proven to get more from less than pretty much any coach I've ever seen. So, gloom 'n doom, it's not.

If the naysayers got their way and tossed Bruce out with the bath water, we would NEVER get a more talented, passionate, enthusiastic ambassador for the university. Never!

Imagine, for a moment, what Bruce could do with one magic class. Imagine how far he'd take them. I think he's got it in him. I believe he has the ability to put a team on the floor capable of hanging a banner in an arena. If you fire him, he'll just work his alchemy for someone else. UT will be on the outside looking in once again. And, whom would you hire to replace him?

Let's face it. Most people on this board are permanent residents of Big Orange Country. But, realistically, the UT basketball job has never been a destination job for top-tier coaches. Bruce has the potential to change that. You want to give that up because he made too many phone calls?

And, don't hand me that crap about the lying. Yes, I and we all know he lied. We also all know he's paying dearly for his transgression. Enough's enough. Drop it.

He's our coach. Let me repeat that ... He's OUR coach. We should be glad. We should be grateful. And, we should all just sit back and enjoy what I hope is a long, fruitful ride with Bruce in the driver's seat.

If you disagree ... Perhaps you can open your own string of gas station/mini-marts so you can donate millions and buy yourself a place at the coach-hiring table too. Just remember ... Whoever you choose is gonna be swimming with some awfully big sharks. He better have fangs, and he better know how to use them. Otherwise, UT will go back to being everyone's choice for a "Senior Night" opponent.
And all rules are equal, right?

Too many phone calls ... Lying about it ... Buying a kid's parents a house ... Hiring your Mama, your Daddy, your coach, your nephew and your dog (as a bench player for Ol' Smoky) ... They're all the same, right?

Didn't Bill Walton say something to the effect that his biggest fear when jumping from UCLA to the NBA was having to live with the pay cut?

Thank, God, we live in a black-and-white world. Any transgression is every transgression. Obviously, he should be fired. Then, sued. Then, prosecuted. Let's see, what else? Does UT still have stocks? If not, new ones can be erected (on the Ag campus, of course, so people have easy access to eggs and rotten fruit to throw at the victims.)

And, let this be a warning to ALL UT employees. Breaking the rules is breaking the rules. Forgiveness is for wimps. The concept of punishment fitting the crime? Who's the Commie who came up with that one?

Bruce, Baby ... Break a rule ... Break a nail ... Break wind. Doesn't matter. It's all the same. You're going down!! :the_finger:
You act like there are only 5 basketball coaches in the world, lsanders. Whatever the decisions/opinions are regarding Pearl, we shouldn't act (or not act) out of fear. We aren't some beaten over-the-hill house wife who is afraid she can't find another man. We're a major university with a rare profitable athletic program and a sizable fan base with good to great facilities. We can find another good coach if and when we need to.

We're more than a sports franchise, too. We had better start getting very aggressively protective of our university's image, as lasting damage is beginning to be done.

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