A Timeline on Politicizing Terror



Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Wednesday: Days after the White House learns that the London terror plot will be uncovered, Cheney says Lamont victory will encourage "Al Queda types."

7:42 a.m Thursday: The White House announces the threat level has been raised to red.

10:54 a.m. Thursday: The President announces, on his way to Wisconsin fund raiser for congressional candidate John Gard, that the arrests in London are "a stark reminder that this Nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."

12:26 p.m. Thursday: The RNC sends out fundraising email penned by Rudi Giuliani saying "In the middle of a war on terror, we need to remain focused on furthering Republican ideas more than ever before. Please make your commitment felt with a financial contribution for $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 or $25 to the Republican National Committee today."

2:53 p.m Thursday: Bush officials celebrate the terror plot. The AFC reports "Weeks before September 11th, this is going to play big," said another White House official, who also spoke on condition of not being named, adding that some Democratic candidates won't "look as appealing under the circumstances."

4:22 p.m. Thursday: The RNC follows with a statement attempting to elevate the war on terror above those who would crassly use it for politics sake: "On a day when American authorities are working with our allies to stop a global terror plot, instead of focusing on political attacks, we should focus on the fact that we are at war and need every tool to win the war on terror."
(Orangewhiteblood @ Aug 11 said:
Wednesday: Days after the White House learns that the London terror plot will be uncovered, Cheney says Lamont victory will encourage "Al Queda types."

7:42 a.m Thursday: The White House announces the threat level has been raised to red.

10:54 a.m. Thursday: The President announces, on his way to Wisconsin fund raiser for congressional candidate John Gard, that the arrests in London are "a stark reminder that this Nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."

12:26 p.m. Thursday: The RNC sends out fundraising email penned by Rudi Giuliani saying "In the middle of a war on terror, we need to remain focused on furthering Republican ideas more than ever before. Please make your commitment felt with a financial contribution for $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 or $25 to the Republican National Committee today."

2:53 p.m Thursday: Bush officials celebrate the terror plot. The AFC reports "Weeks before September 11th, this is going to play big," said another White House official, who also spoke on condition of not being named, adding that some Democratic candidates won't "look as appealing under the circumstances."

4:22 p.m. Thursday: The RNC follows with a statement attempting to elevate the war on terror above those who would crassly use it for politics sake: "On a day when American authorities are working with our allies to stop a global terror plot, instead of focusing on political attacks, we should focus on the fact that we are at war and need every tool to win the war on terror."
Every wordwide, newsworthy event that occurs is used for political gain by one of the parties. For three years now, Dems have used our soldiers deaths in Iraq to advance their agenda. I see no reason why the GOP should not use the fact that a major terrorist plot has been foiled through the use of surveillance for their political gain.
(therealUT @ Aug 11 said:
Every wordwide, newsworthy event that occurs is used for political gain by one of the parties. For three years now, Dems have used our soldiers deaths in Iraq to advance their agenda. I see no reason why the GOP should not use the fact that a major terrorist plot has been foiled through the use of surveillance for their political gain.

Do you have an alarm that goes off everytime I post something in here? :lol:
Remember when, in the old days, the local sheriff used to "discover" and bust up two or three moonshine stills just before election day?

I don't really have an axe to grind on this, just poking a little fun....
(Orangewhiteblood @ Aug 11 said:
Wednesday: Days after the White House learns that the London terror plot will be uncovered, Cheney says Lamont victory will encourage "Al Queda types."

7:42 a.m Thursday: The White House announces the threat level has been raised to red.

10:54 a.m. Thursday: The President announces, on his way to Wisconsin fund raiser for congressional candidate John Gard, that the arrests in London are "a stark reminder that this Nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."

12:26 p.m. Thursday: The RNC sends out fundraising email penned by Rudi Giuliani saying "In the middle of a war on terror, we need to remain focused on furthering Republican ideas more than ever before. Please make your commitment felt with a financial contribution for $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 or $25 to the Republican National Committee today."

2:53 p.m Thursday: Bush officials celebrate the terror plot. The AFC reports "Weeks before September 11th, this is going to play big," said another White House official, who also spoke on condition of not being named, adding that some Democratic candidates won't "look as appealing under the circumstances."

4:22 p.m. Thursday: The RNC follows with a statement attempting to elevate the war on terror above those who would crassly use it for politics sake: "On a day when American authorities are working with our allies to stop a global terror plot, instead of focusing on political attacks, we should focus on the fact that we are at war and need every tool to win the war on terror."

You apparently missed Harry Reid's press release yesterday where he told everyone they weren't safe and it was Bush's fault.
(GAVol @ Aug 11 said:
You apparently missed Harry Reid's press release yesterday where he told everyone they weren't safe and it was Bush's fault.

And Ted Kennedys...

It is clear that our misguided policies are making America more hated in the world and making the war on terrorism harder to win.

Ted Kennedy
British authorities are to be commended for disrupting a terrorist plot targeting aircraft headed for the United States.

Nancy Pelosi
No commendation for our own U.S. Agencies whose initial surveillance led to the tracking of this cell?
It is clear that our misguided policies are making America more hated in the world and making the war on terrorism harder to win.

Ted Kennedy

Those comments are just laughable. 1) He seems to be under the delusion that if we would only change our foreign policy, Al Qaeda would suddenly just go away. 2) He's got bad timing saying that the war on terror is getting harder to win on the day after a major terrorist plot gets foiled.
Yeah . . . obviously after 9-11 and yesterday's foiled plot, this is just a drummed up political issue.
(GAVol @ Aug 11 said:
Yeah . . . obviously after 9-11 and yesterday's foiled plot, this is just a drummed up political issue.

I would have thought it to be a bigger issue if we would have actually put all our military sources into going after the ones that attacked us instead of going to Iraq, but that's just me.

There are other scare tactics....gay marriage and immigration for example...coming to another election near you.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Aug 11 said:
There are other scare tactics....gay marriage and immigration for example...coming to another election near you.

Don't forget global warming, deficit spending, racism, Social Security, 2 Americas, etc. etc.
(volinbham @ Aug 11 said:
Don't forget global warming, deficit spending, racism, Social Security, 2 Americas, etc. etc.

You left out two of their favorites: Medicare getting taken away and tax cuts for the rich. The idea that Republicans scare people and Democrats nobly run on ideas is pretty funny.
(volinbham @ Aug 11 said:
Don't forget global warming, deficit spending, racism, Social Security, 2 Americas, etc. etc.

Thanks liberal Larry.
(GAVol @ Aug 11 said:
You left out two of their favorites: Medicare getting taken away and tax cuts for the rich. The idea that Republicans scare people and Democrats nobly run on ideas is pretty funny.

Also left out erosion of civil liberties leading to a certain police state, outsourcing, encroachment of church on state, etc. etc.
(volinbham @ Aug 11 said:
Also left out erosion of civil liberties leading to a certain police state, outsourcing, encouragement of church on state, etc. etc.

Minimum wage . . . trampling women's rights . . . making the air unbreathable and water undrinkable . . .
I think it's because you know I'm right and you're struggling with the acceptance part of it, both you and Larry.

At some point, you all are going to get tired of sticking up for W. Maybe when he hits 20% approval. I think it's already starting to happen.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Aug 11 said:
I think it's because you know I'm right and you're struggling with the acceptance part of it, both you and Larry.

At some point, you all are going to get tired of sticking up for W. Maybe when he hits 20% approval. I think it's already starting to happen.


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