A typical Bammer Reaction



Senior Member
Jan 21, 2005
One Bammer told me that on the news, the Judge in Tuscaloosa was in good and friends with Faculty and Boosters from the University of Tennessee.

Can anyone smell a lawsuit coming out of that?

But for real, that may be the lamest, most god awful excuse I have ever heard.
I think the best thing we Vol fans can do is let Bama fans blame whomever or whatever they want and move on. WE know the truth and
it's time for the rivalry to get out of the courtroom and back on the football field.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jul 11, 2005 10:06 AM
WE know the truth and it's time for the rivalry to get out of the courtroom and back on the football field.

"it's time for the rivalry to get out of the courtroom and back on the football field."

...and, when was the last time BAMA beat us???
My comment really had nothing to do with wins or losses. UT / Bama has traditionally been a storied rivalry regardless of who was winning or losing. I can accept that Bama fans feel they didn't get a fair shake and will also admit that if I were a Bama fan, I'd probably feel a little bitter too. I DO hope though, that eventually I would let it go and be glad it was all in the past.
Point being - When they do nothing but lose to us on a constant basis, they have to have something to fall back on...Can't say I blame them either.

Alabama fans want nothing to do with on-the-field talk because they suck so badly
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jul 11, 2005 1:11 PM
How many wins did Bama have last year?

Six wins.

Utah St., Ole Miss, Miss St., Western Carolina, UK and La. Monroe (I think).

My biggest problem with living here and listening to this crap is the ARROGANCE of Bama fans. So many think that because they were good in the past that everyone is out to get them. SEC, NCAA, refs. etc. To me this is the definition of arrogance, thinking everyone else cares about you so much that they modify their lives to get you.

As for our current streak against them, they dismiss it since they were on probation for much of the time. It goes like this "they (UT) couldn't beat us on the field so they conspired to destroy us - and they still barely beat us".

As you can see, it all goes back to this inflated view of self worth - that Bama is so great that all others want to tear it down. Every fact is twisted and turned to support the notion of inherent Bama greatness. A quick example, one popular theory is that SEC refs are out to get Bama because many of these refs played in the SEC and got beaten so badly by the Bear that this is there chance to get back at Bama! Of course the facts show that Bama was the 3rd least penalized team in the SEC last year but why let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory?

Calling Dr. Phil....
Originally posted by QBvol7@Jul 11, 2005 9:41 AM
One Bammer told me that on the news, the Judge in Tuscaloosa was in good and friends with Faculty and Boosters from the University of Tennessee.

Can anyone smell a lawsuit coming out of that?
But for real, that may be the lamest, most god awful excuse I have ever heard.

The theory with more legs is that UA officials did not want the trial to go forward and thus pressured the judge.

What's absolutey hilarious about this to me is that now, Bama itself is part of the conspiracy against Bama! :blink: :laugh1:
I have a friend in Florence, Alabama who sincerely thinks Phil Fulmer "hurt Alabama bad" but has yet to admit that Bama's cheating and lying did any damage at all. Her daughter, who is a BIG UT fan ( thanks to me and her husband :p) won't even try to discuss it with her. She's that bitter.
It's one thing for bammers to be bitter about this, it's another to completely obsess about it and let it run their life.

Any bama message board you go to, all you are going to see is post after post about this stuff. It's really kind of sad. I have probably only seen about 4 posts out of hundreds where someone admits that they were cheating and deserved it.

But, like U-T said.....they can't beat us on the field so they don't have much to talk about. My guess would be that they're going to be talking about for a long long time.

I'm tired of it all.
From the HUBBS interview posted here, It really DISTURBED me, Speaking about the plans for extra security Oct22nd.

Thats really SAD..... :shakehead:
Originally posted by IBleedOrange24/7@Jul 11, 2005 4:50 PM
From the HUBBS interview posted here, It really DISTURBED me, Speaking about the plans for extra security Oct22nd.

Thats really SAD..... :shakehead:

No joke.

I am contemplating whether to go to that game. I would love for some college punk to try laying his hands on me. :disappointed:

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