Well, personaly, living in a dorm ON CAMPUS, Its not looking good. ITs thundering pretty bad here. A car alarm just went off being set off by thunder. If they cancel the game, how would you find out about it?
It looks like the front is stalling over the valley. There seems to be enough instability and moisture to continue generating storms from the south. They're coming right up the valley into K-ville...which is under a flash flood warning. I like to think that things will move along in the next 3 hours..but I'm not sure..and it's going to definitely be a gully washer for the next few hours.
Its bad right now. The thunder is loud here on campus. I am waiting for it to clear up before I head down to Neyland, but I will probably get drenched on the way.
I don't mean to be a downer..but I am beginning to think that it will not stop before the game...nor will it lessen. It looks like you have several more hours of the very heavy stuff. In fact, I think the heavier stuff is moving in right now. I hope I'm wrong...but the moisture keeps pumping in coming right up the valley...and the instability in the atmosphere hasn't been spent yet. I think that there is actually a split in the jet stream right now that is really pumping a lot of energy into the atmosphere. Oh well...the rain isn't the problem really...I hope the lightning stops for you all at the game and the only thunder we hear is the crowd as the Vols but a beat down on the Thundering Herd.
No bad ties...but I am minoring in meterology ..and not even at a Holiday Inn Express.....
Also...I was watching NWS radar a few minutes ago and I was encouraged because things finally seem to be speeding up instead of just sitting like it was earlier. I'm hoping that this heavy stuff may move on..but I'm not too hopeful that it will be dry by gametime...but maybe the lightning will be to the north/northeast
I really didn't think that we would still be looking for a running game by the time we got to Marshall this year....just goes to show....all the prognostication...all the discussion, thought, consternation goes no where...you just have to wait until the guys take the field and show what they can do as a team. I hope that our special teams and running play are signifcantly improved!
True. It was there against Cal... but a large number of those yards came on Hardesty's insane run, not to mention having loosened them up with those hitches to Meach.
I guess we'll see. I've pretty much decided to stay home, as I'm already getting sick, I don't need to get worse. :wacko: