Actually NOT a Joke...

This is kinda absurd really. Who's in charge of the media and who voted? Why glorify being obese because of personal feelings? Quit being lazy and stop eating and drinking sugar. You're not good looking at all, you're fat and unhealthy. There is no excuse for being that fat. That kind of obesity is a lot of doing nothing but sitting on your butt for hours every single day and constantly be eating. If that girl only changed one thing and that was to walk a few miles every single day she wouldn't be obese, she would just be overweight. That's pitiful lazy and it's not ok to be obese.
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getting the obvious out of the way: no way she should have won.

but everyone pretending like beauty pageants didn't push unhealthy body images before need to reevaluate themselves. All those women being a double zero size comes with multiple health issues. just the opposite of what she is going to have. beauty pageants have normalized unhealthy body images in women from their start.
I don't know much about pageants, but this is clearly some sort of "minor league" miss alabama pageant. The "Miss America"-affilitated Miss Alabama contest is later.
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Well, that's good to know. Evidently saving the whales is all taken care of now.
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Dark Thoughts submission:

So she's been at it for 8 years now. Surely after winning you can't compete anymore, right? So they said "Oh yay! Awesome! You won! Please go away now."
That is not the winner of the contest. That is the woman who ate Miss Alabama 2024.

But consider she probably does represent the apogee of Alabama beauty, I mean she does seem to have all her teeth. 😂

I want vol nation everywhere to make sure she is FOREVER immortalized as representing Alabama and U of A especially. Perhaps they could make her the mascot. She wouldn’t even need an outfit.

Girls of Alabama page is going to be SPECIAL this year lol
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That is not the winner of the contest. That is the woman who ate Miss Alabama 2024.

But consider she probably does represent the apogee of Alabama beauty, I mean she does seem to have all her teeth. 😂

I want vol nation everywhere to make sure she is FOREVER immortalized as representing Alabama and U of A especially. Perhaps they could make her the mascot. She wouldn’t even need an outfit.

Girls of Alabama page is going to be SPECIAL this year lol
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