


Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Believe me, I am not trying to start another QB thread, but I saw this on another board and thought I would pass it along. I heard this about Ainge before he actually got on campus last year, but maybe some haven't. Enjoy.

Nice link. I had heard some of that about Ainge before.
Yeah - I've seen that too, but I did enjoy the video footage which showed the 4th qtr of the Ole Miss game. It was a good offseason football fix.
What’s perhaps even more noteworthy is that JN believes if the maturing youngster stays healthy, and is coached and played properly over the next few years (and he continues his good character development), he should not only be a coveted 1st round NFL draft pick, but he should be drafted in the top 5 spots with a contract most likely in excess of  $50 million! JN believes the “filling out” Bones has all the makings to be a genuine franchise quarterback.

They WOULD have to put THAT in.
Originally posted by milohimself@May 12, 2005 12:49 AM
I've been hearing this stuff for the past three years. Good link, though.

seems like you may have been the one that told us about it last year milo. I can't remember for sure though.
Originally posted by milohimself@May 12, 2005 12:55 AM
I probably did.

I also saw this part:
basketball game—where young Erik quit out of frustration

:lol: He quit because our coach is a moron.

He'd have to be a pretty big moron to run off Danny Ainge's nephew.
Our coach is awful. We used to have a really good coach, who still teaches here, except he had to quit because he was too rough on the players. But the new guy we have took our school from a playoff maker in a very good basketball area to near-bottom of the barrel. He lets his players push him around and he has no idea what he is doing.

Ainge actually gave him the bird when he quit before basketball season his senior year, even though he was looking at probably making all-state 2nd team or honorable mention.

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