AJ Johnsons pre kickoff routine?

Anyone got vid or know a vid that has it? The gun dueling was pretty legit :)

Look up Vols Circle of Life drill vs Arkansas State on youtube. I found it like that. Also, be careful, some people don't like seeing AJ all hyped up and full of energy.
Just sayin,

AJ should calm down and not have fun. 3d down for what needs to go and we gotta get something different than this vanilla offense.

:p /sarcasm
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Or just maybe he could choose a different form of showing his excitement. I enjoy he is hyped, but simulating gunning the other team down is not exactly the class I hope we display. I would even feel different if he just shot in the air. He was acting like he was holding a machine gun and shooting ASU front line. Get hyped, have fun, enjoy it . .. and show some class too. Ask JRM if gun shots are all in good fun . . .

Dear God alive. I was just gonna poke fun and go "nb4 the gun grabbing wackos write an editorial asking that AJ be banned from shooting his finger guns".....and here you are.
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Or just maybe he could choose a different form of showing his excitement. I enjoy he is hyped, but simulating gunning the other team down is not exactly the class I hope we display. I would even feel different if he just shot in the air. He was acting like he was holding a machine gun and shooting ASU front line. Get hyped, have fun, enjoy it . .. and show some class too. Ask JRM if gun shots are all in good fun . . .

Taking a knee and placing the football in the endzone originally symbolized planting a bomb since football was created as simulated warfare. Calm down, bro.
you guys are right, we need to reestablish the throat slash as well. Maybe during kickofffs we can play 2pac's "Hit 'em Up" to get everyone excited!!:gun:

GO VOLS! BANG BANG!:gun::machgun:

EDIT: For the record I love AJ! He is great leader!
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AJ is enjoying his senior season and is a great example for our young players to follow. His diligence and hard work have made football fun for him. AJ will defiantly play for pay. His pass defense is much improved. :clapping:
I do think its kind of funny that a throat slash toward an individual is a penalty, but AJ can pretend to gun down an entire team and its ok!
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Or just maybe he could choose a different form of showing his excitement. I enjoy he is hyped, but simulating gunning the other team down is not exactly the class I hope we display. I would even feel different if he just shot in the air. He was acting like he was holding a machine gun and shooting ASU front line. Get hyped, have fun, enjoy it . .. and show some class too. Ask JRM if gun shots are all in good fun . . .

OMG...want them to stop tackling and start playing with flags too?...LOL
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That pre kickoff routine had my entire group of friends laughing. It was so awesome and funny. Dude has to be seriously hyped to machine gun the entire ASU team like 5 times.
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I love it, but what is the difference in this and doing it after a TD? If this was done after a score if would 100% be a 15 yard unsportsmanlike. Why not allow it after a TD if you can do it on kickoff?
Wonder if TN dans would like it if it was another player on a different team?? Bet he would have been called a thug
Or just maybe he could choose a different form of showing his excitement. I enjoy he is hyped, but simulating gunning the other team down is not exactly the class I hope we display. I would even feel different if he just shot in the air. He was acting like he was holding a machine gun and shooting ASU front line. Get hyped, have fun, enjoy it . .. and show some class too. Ask JRM if gun shots are all in good fun . . .

I'm pretty sure that ASU players were completely on the other side of the field. He wasn't acting like he was shooting the opposing players. I guess this is the world we live in. Smh

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Or just maybe he could choose a different form of showing his excitement. I enjoy he is hyped, but simulating gunning the other team down is not exactly the class I hope we display. I would even feel different if he just shot in the air. He was acting like he was holding a machine gun and shooting ASU front line. Get hyped, have fun, enjoy it . .. and show some class too. Ask JRM if gun shots are all in good fun . . .

It's disrespectful to the victims involved in the infamous finger gun massacre of 86. I say for punishment he should stand in front of a finger gun firing line and see how it feels.
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Wonder if TN dans would like it if it was another player on a different team?? Bet he would have been called a thug

Who cares? They can do their thing and we can do ours. It shouldn't upset the opposing fan base THAT much, unless they're looking for a reason to be upset.

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