Al Gore and global warming

Now I know what "chakra release" means.

"Not only does the Earth have a fever, so do my pants"
---Al Gore
As laughable as any of the other claims.

What claims? Al Bore's shrill alarmist forcasts of catastropic global warming???


Or Al Bore's claim that he didn't know it was a fundraiser and who could tell that was a Buddhist monk??


Gore and 5 time convicted felon Maria Hsia troll for illegal funds among poverty-stricken nuns.

Al Gore and the Temple of Doom | The American Prospect
(bear in mind the above is a link to the communist party mouthpiece, the new republic and if this is the best they can do to cover Al Bore's tracks?? The sorry SOB should be serving life in prison at best, a firing squad at dawn for treason would be more appropr'tiate imo, I can see how anyone in his right mind would lean toward giving today's democrat party even the time of day.

This event, which was organized by Maria Hsia and John Huang, raised $166,750 for the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Much of this money was raised illegally; the laws broken were far from being trivial or outdated. There were $55,000 in contributions laundered through monks and nuns, who made the contributions in their own names and were then reimbursed by the temple from its general funds. At least three of the contributors were foreign nationals. In addition the temple, which enjoys tax-exempt status as a religious institution, was used illegally for partisan politics. Insofar as the monks were reimbursed with temple funds that came from tax-free donations, American taxpayers indirectly subsidized Gore's fundraising effort.

In September 1993, Hsia and Huang sent $60,000 in laundered and foreign money to the DNC. The next day, Gore's Chief of Staff Jack Quinn met at their behest with Shen Jueren, the head of China Resources, a company that has been linked to Chinese intelligence. Thompson's committee report describes Hsia as "an agent of the Chinese government" and Huang as having had "a direct financial relationship with the Chinese government." Thompson's committee also fingers Ted Sioeng, an Indonesian-born businessman who contributed $400,000 to the DNC between 1995 and 1996 and who sat at the head table with Gore at the Buddhist temple luncheon, as a Chinese agent.

Did Clinton/Gore agree in exchange for campaign contributions from Hsia, Huang, and Sioeng to meet with prominent PRC officials and to make various concessions to Chinese policy????


"Al Gore and I smoked regularly as buddies. Marijuana, hash. I was his regular supplier…We smoked a lot. We smoked in his car, in his house, we smoked in his parents’ house…we smoked on weekends. We smoked a lot."
John Warnecke

Bottom line is that Al Bore is a pathological liar and incapable of telling the truth about anything, I would never discount any accusation against him out of hand.

The 10 excerpts below are taken from Algore's extremist book Earth in the Balance, or from the Unabomber's (FC's) Manifesto. You get to try your skill at determining who said which quote. Some are easier than others.



1. "In the speech in which I declared my candidacy, I focused on global warming, ozone depletion and the ailing global environment and declared that these issues - along with nuclear arms control - would be the principal focus of my campaign."


2. "No one knows what will happen as a result of ozone depletion, the greenhouse effect and other environmental problems that cannot yet be foreseen. And, as nuclear proliferation has shown, new technology cannot be kept out of the hands of dictators and irresponsible Third World leaders."


3. "Artificial needs have been created. ... Advertising and marketing techniques have been developed that make many people feel they need things that their grandparents never desired or even dreamed of. ... It seems for many people, maybe the majority, these artificial forms ... are insufficient. A theme that appears repeatedly in the writings of the social critics of the second half of the 20th century is the sense of purposelessness that afflicts many people in modern society."


4. "Whenever any technology is used to mediate our experience of the world, we gain power but we also lose something in the process. The increased productivity of assembly lines in factories, for examples, requires many employees to repeat the identical task over and over until they lose any feeling of connection to the creative process - and with it their sense of purpose."


5. "Like the Sorcerer's Apprentice, who learned how to command inanimate objects to serve his whims, we too have set in motion forces more powerful than we anticipated and that are harder to stop than start."


6. "Technological progress marches in only one direction. It can never be reversed. Once a technological innovation has been introduced, people usually become dependent on it, so that they can never again do without it, unless it is replaced by some still more advanced innovation."


7. "'Oh,' say the technophiles, 'Science is going to fix all that!' We will conquer famine, eliminate psychological suffering, make everybody healthy and happy!"


8. "Some argue that a new ultimate technology, whether nuclear energy or genetic engineering, will solve the problem. ... We have also fallen victim to a kind of technological hubris, which tempts us to believe that our new powers may be unlimited. We dare to imagine that we will find technological solutions for every technologically induced problem. ... Technological hubris tempts us to lose sight of our place in the natural order and believe that we can achieve whatever we want."


9. "Very widespread in modern society is the search for 'fulfillment.' ... (Yet) for the majority of people whose main goal is fulfillment, (technology) does not bring completely satisfactory fulfillment."


10. "Industrial civilization's great engines of distraction still seduce us with a promise of fulfillment. Our new power to work our will upon the world can bring with it a sudden rush of exhilaration. ... But that exhilaration is fleeting. It is not true fulfillment."


ANSWERS: Gore said 1,4,5,8, and 10

Al Bore is a fruitcake of the first order, we dodged a bullet in 2,000, unfortantely we took a hit in 2008.


Any thought of Al Bore brings up three thoughts;

1. Bent chads.

2. The worst sort of pseudo-science being used for political and financial purposes.

3. The Gore family fortune came from a soviet communist agent.

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