Al Groh...

The folks at Clemson might need to make a similar request to Tommy Bowden in 6 minutes. The Tigers are dangerously close to losing at home to Maryland.
Well gee. If UVA and Clemson are looking for new coaches we better keep Fulmer another year. We can't compete with them for a coach.
Kirk Ferentz probably might want to start boxing stuff up, as well.
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Skip Holtz and Tommy Bowden are cut from the same cloth. Both sons of coaches that are much better and both will win a couple of games every now and then to make them look good. Overall, they both suck and you can't depend on either to win the easy ones.
Skip Holtz and Tommy Bowden are cut from the same cloth. Both sons of coaches that are much better and both will win a couple of games every now and then to make them look good. Overall, they both suck and you can't depend on either to win the easy ones.
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Throw in the possibility that Spurrier might retire and the competition for a new hfc may get intense fast. I am hoping and praying that whoever ultimately gets to decide if Fulmer stays or goes will make the decision by Monday morning and get this thing moving ASAP.
I have to give Groh credit. They appeared to be DOA at the start of the season. Nice recovery.
He should still be toast. All of his coaches abandoning ship on him at once, none for upgrades, should be an indicator for the admin.
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He should still be toast. All of his coaches abandoning ship on him at once, none for upgrades, should be an indicator for the admin.
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Good point. Especially the admin part. Historically doesn't seem to be much of a fan concern for coaching excellence around here. They seem to just leave that stuff up to the administration. Games are mostly a 3-hour social event. Wins and losses are secondary to the fans.
Good point. Especially the admin part. Historically doesn't seem to be much of a fan concern for coaching excellence around here. They seem to just leave that stuff up to the administration. Games are mostly a 3-hour social event. Wins and losses are secondary to the fans.
by the way, your wife went to an extremely good business school.
by the way, your wife went to an extremely good business school.
She will appreciate that. I married well. She might have dropped a notch with me but she does have that UK undergrad thing she has to carry around.

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