Alabama Trial Starts Tomorrow



Jan 23, 2005
Just heard the Alabama recruiting trial begins tomorrow....issues of money being given to high school coach for a player? Newscaster reports that Alabama continues to "blame Tennessee"!
I sure will be glad when all of this is finally over!
Unfortunately, I think you will have a long wait. For some that have convinced themselves that Tommy Gallion speaks the truth, no amount of evidence to the contrary will change their minds.

I read about this on the bama board linked from our site. You see comments such as, "even if Logan Young is found guilty it doesn't prove..." What's funny about it is that there are statements about how all they have is circumstantial evidence against Logan Young. (apparently that's enough to believe all the bad things about UT but not about someone that the Feds are taking to trial!)

I hope the judge is not from Tenn. They would have a retrial.
Originally posted by GVF@Jan 24, 2005 5:17 PM
I hope the judge is not from Tenn.  They would have a retrial.

You are more correct than you think. Many in Bammerville have already decided that a fair trial cannot be had in the state of Tenn and thus will not accept a guilty verdict.

Ironically, they believe the Gallion trial against the NCAA which is scheduled for TUSCALOOSA COUNTY will be fair! :blink:
poor bammers...."its my pity party and I'll cry if I want to"
you know no matter what happens they are going to blame us for evrything. there alabama fans, its like trying to tell a blind man to look at a picture. they will never be able to see that they did wrong. never.

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