Alittle of the past...



No Disassemble!
Jan 13, 2005
Originally Posted by (g8terh8ter_eric @ May 9, 2006 12:30 PM)
Ok I stand correct as far as the UCLA game being 26-26......but still remains the fact that coaches are way too easy now-a-days as for as the players getting to do what they want. They are at school for three reasons. One, To get a great education, Two, to learn to become the leaders of tomorrow, Three, play football at the greatest school in the US, The University of Tennessee!! So when I say we need to get more discipline, its not just for the field but for everything else that comes with it. Fulmer just doesn't fit the profile to me of a coach who demands perfection and discipline. He has lived off of talent way too long now and he is paying the price for not doing what he should have been doing and that is Coaching. Wins are wins and losses are losses, but that still doesn't show me that he is a great coach......Joe Pa and Bobby Bowden are probably the greatest coaches in the game right now and Fulmer is still in the "high-chair" compared to them. I would have hated to play Penn St. or Florida St. this past year cause they would have destroyed us........I just want a coach who wants to coach and not just have alot of talented players and let them rot because the coach is just too fat a lazy. I want our team to KILL KILL KILL everyone in our path. I want a PISSED OFF team to crack some heads. Finally I want Neyland Stadium to sound like a war is going on in there when someone walks within 10 miles of it. I just want some chip's on some shoulders and so evil glares going toward the other team. I want our players to play up to their potential......not be TV and media babies and worry about how good they look on TV........I want our players to want to eat the other teams children so to speak.....and that's why I want Fulmer OUT of UT......he doesn't bring that mentality to the field.....he claps to much and doesn't yell enough.....give me a coach who gets after everyone including the this too much to ask???

I posted this a bit ago, and well I got what I wanted last night. I am so glad the we as a team got our heads out of our butts and started playing like everyone on this board knew we were capable of playing. Ainge looked fantastic last night, 291 yards and 4TDs, WOW. Running game was solid and Hardesty is a FREAKING BEAST. The special word for the day Ladies and Gentlemen of VN is "Disipline". We looked like the team of the 90's out on the field. We were very sharp on Defense and we made Lynch look like a Division II RB which tickled me too death. Thanks again Coach Cut for coming back, and all of you that defended that little weisel Randy Sanders, EAT MY SHORTS, cause you said "Oh its not Randy's fault, he's doing the best he can, its the players fault", so as you see when the coaches DO NOT do their job then it rests on the players and when they don't do their job then they are the scape goat. So let Randy Schnieder (I have forgotten his name already :) ) go coach a Division III school into mediocraty for all I care because he has NO coaching skills at all and being a YES man to CPF is not what we needed, so thank you again Coach Cut for helping to start restoring the glory back to the Hill.

And another thing is some people do not believe in recruiting and I am one of them. I do not believe that 5 star players are the gold mine and are the saviors of programs. What I do believe however and you can go search for this in my posts, is that players are just as good as the coaches who coach them. If a player doesn't develop it is his fault if he has a great coach and won't listen to them, but most of the time a player doesn't develop because of the coaches. In this world if you are presented a Havard education and they give you every means to get it and make very good grades with a little work and you don't get it, that's your fault. Our players finally have a "Professor" on offense and the "Dean of Run Defense" has his secondary thinking its 1997. I am very happy for our Vols, BUT I know that its only one win and we have a VERY WINDY road ahead. As long as we take it one game at a time and dominate it first and not look ahead on the schedule....well folks....We could win the East IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF we play as a team and keep the underdog mentality and hunger on our sides. Thanks again Vols for being the team we all know you ARE!!

CPF this isn't an apology because you have a long way to go my friend....and if you want to do what we did last night keep your players FOCUSED and DON'T LET GO OF THE REINS!!!
:superman: :superman: :yahoo: :yahoo::td: :corso:
Nice post. Just to clear one thing up though... Sanders is coaching at UK now, while many would consider them DIII, they're still D-IA, and the SEC. :p :lol:
"Them and They" in the first post.

"Us and We" after beating Cal.


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