Cuba has socialized medicine as well, what's their rating?
socialized medicine...
Now that the US of A is AA+.
Just saying...
solid logic. "you don't like er, yu can move away darmit!"
It's akin to a child sitting at the grownup table for Thanksgiving dinner, can't debate the facts so resort to 3rd grade name calling. I notice all of your posts are like this. You offer zero facts/info & instead just throw out little one-liners/zingers if you don't like something. That is, of course, your right but just let me know when you actually come up with some substance.
solid logic. "you don't like er, yu can move away darmit!"
That's the thing KK. Why is it that the left insists that we must change to become more like other countries when many of us have no interest in doing that? If it so important to them then they can move. I have a really hard time understanding why some people are so absolutely insistent on imposing their vision on other people even when it violates their constitutional rights.
I don't disagree with you - I'm not happy with things right now. Nor do I fundamentally agree with Obama.
Just think that most who want change telling people to leave could take their own advice.
I do not seek socialism or communism so why would I leave. This country is already watered down enough with those ideas as it is. The founders did not envision that and knew that would only lead ruin. Plus where would i go?, America is unique.
Those that want a Nanny state , on the other hand, can go to Many parts of Europe and just bathe in the handouts, entitlements and policies that do not encourage the entrepreneurial spirit that made this the greatest country in recorded history but instead let Big Brother take care of you....
I think i would rather stay here and fight for what many before me bled and died to achieve. Self -reliance and helping your neighbor instead of inefficient government doing it for me, That was never intended by the founders. I don't know about you but i don't feel very charitable on tax day but i do when i donate my time and money to my fellow man.
I don't disagree with you - I'm not happy with things right now. Nor do I fundamentally agree with Obama.
Just think that most who want change telling people to leave could take their own advice.
So much of the country should move because there are other countries similar to what they want?
Should the majority of the country have no place to go because those refuse to go to a place that is already like what they want to change us into?
I would GLADLY support a return to the same level of federalism that existed in 1900 or before. Then we could just move to states that suited us best. My side is NOT the one that insists on imposing their pov on the others.
Should the majority of the country have no place to go because those refuse to go to a place that is already like what they want to change us into?
I would GLADLY support a return to the same level of federalism that existed in 1900 or before. Then we could just move to states that suited us best. My side is NOT the one that insists on imposing their pov on the others.
Those who don't vote don't have a choice. Which is the majority of the country, IIRC. Both sides insist on imposing their point of view.