All Vol Fans Must Read This Thread



Senior Member
Nov 24, 2003
Villanova, whilst handing Florida its ass, decided to have its band play Rocky Top for the Florida Gator fans in attendance.

This is the second story with this point, the first being Minnesota loudly playing Rocky Top while kicking Alabama in the teeth during their bowl game last year.

While this may seem small, insignificant and college humor, I see it to be a larger deal.

Other schools KNOW that Rocky Top (read UT) gets under the skin of SEC opponents, that it pisses off their fans and basically is the proverbial "salt in the wound" when an SEC team is losing, more specifically, Alabama and Florida, two of UT's most hated rivals.

My response is to play Rocky Top 100 times a game versus the 54 or so they normally play.

Good Ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol. they need to start doin this more often. it's somethin i could get used to. i thought i was losin it when i fist heard minnesota do it at last year's music city bowl.
I heard that at the end of the Music City Bowl. I thought a local band played because the game was played in the state of Tennessee. I didn't know it was Minnesota.
I was at that game yesterday, and it was hilarious, listening to all the UF fans cry and whine about it.
Tell 'em to learn the words. They'll be hearing a whole lot more of it come September.

Only question: who will be leading the band THIS go-round?
Originally posted by orangetd88@Mar 21, 2005 11:18 AM
I was at that game yesterday, and it was hilarious, listening to all the UF fans cry and whine about it.

:dlol: :eek:lol: :dlol: :eek:lol: :dlol:
at the SEC tourny, LSwho's band was making fun of UT, keeping a "rocky top counter" and dancing around like hillbilly's every time it was played....

that is, until zolman hit that 3 with a minute left, and then we won. They just sat there with their heads down.

They left, and we stayed around to celebrate.

I LOVE how much Rocky Top bothers everyone else.

Interestingly enough, they made fun of the # of times rocky top was played, but tiger rag or whatever it is, was played just as much... :pepper:
Talking to some Villanova fans, they just loved it especially loved the faces of the UF fans.
What's great is that these other schools are having to learn our fight song. I say the more people singing Rocky Top, the sweeter it sounds!
why are u guys happy that another school used our song. i mean outside of tennessee everyone hates thats song, from what i hear. i mean it stands out and recognizes the big orange and our history. for them to use it just to piss florida off, kinda pisses me off.

maybe i am wrong here but i just think that the song is ours and everyone should use something else other than the greatest fight song on earth.

tell me what u guys think.
I think it's a sign of respect that they would play Rocky Top. They could have played "Glory, Glory to Old Georgia" or done the FSU War Chant, but they chose instead to play the one song that signifies to everyone, "You just got a can opened on you and now we're going to sing about it."
i think they used us and the song, just for momentum. plus the game was in nashville, big orange country, and it got the fans excited.

i feel used. and dirty. :dlol:

maybe i am being selfish though. but nothing nice is ever said about ut and now they use our fight song. kinda fishy.
Charly, the point is that most of us are taking it as a point of great pride that all schools decide to play our school's theme when they own our rivals.

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