He was really fun to watch. I really wanted him to win the championship when he was in Philly.
I love me some AI, so much passion in his game. One of the greatest athletes we will ever see, dude was a freak. People say we will never see another so and so, but I'm confident in saying we will never see another A.I. Listed at 6 foot probably more like 5'10 (with the Afro, 6'9") 165, he excelled in an era dominated by big men. One of the toughest guys to ever play the game as well. Snuck in a Bobby Maze shout out too.
The man took them to the Finals with the impressive supporting cast of Aaron Mackie, Raja Bell, George Lynch, Mutumbo, and Eric Snow running point. AI deserved a medal for taking that group of bums to the Show.
538 did a "worst supporting casts to ever make it to the finals" (along with the best) based on stats and player history/etc and gave them scores. I don't remember the exact values, but I remember Lebron's first Cavs finals was second, and AI's finals was first, by a fairly large margin.