Already preparing for Vandy!

Those are some tough dogs. We should put them in orange and white and lining up against those gators. I'd guarantee they'd wrap up and tackle em.
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1) I don't think Tiny needed any help (i.e., ramming bar) to knock open that door...
2) I think the dog got the worst of all the exchanges!
I hope they beat Vandy so bad that Franklin goes all butt hurt on national TV again.. That would be worth its weight in gold.. Can't stand James Franklin..
Great video...I looked at the Tennessee 2013 Teaser same utube page. Inky at 8 minute mark. What a great guy!!!
That reference to Vandy is in regards to the four players who raped the girl on campus. Our players are just getting extra training in how to chase down those Vandy thugs!

I would like to point out that those players will never set foot on campus again much less play football for Vandy! They're are plenty of schools that would have covered that incident up but Vandy didn't. Vandy is getting top notch players now so this is what comes with it!
I would like to point out that those players will never set foot on campus again much less play football for Vandy! They're are plenty of schools that would have covered that incident up but Vandy didn't. Vandy is getting top notch players now so this is what comes with it!

Top Notch??? You Vandy folks crack me up! :loco:
I started laughing when Tiny busted the door open. I would not want to be on the other side. :lolabove:

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