Here are my favorite things. The jersey is a 2011 game worn jersey. My wife got it for me as 1979 is my birth year and 1997 is the year I began UT. Seems fitting.
The Eric Berry figure is one of my favorite things of all time. Dusty's Custom Figures made it for me. You can't see in the picture but it is correct down to the hand drawn tattoos on his arms. It is amazing. Here is a look at the process of him making the figure for me:If I Bleed Orange, I Am Bled Out: From passion to profit...
The Eric Berry helmet I love, because I "made" it. My wife gave me one of those reproduction helmets, it set around for a few years collecting dust and getting scratched up. I decided that I wanted something more unique, so I went to work. It was fun, only took a couple of hours, cost about $50 with all of the parts, decals and everything. Now I have a helmet that looks very close to the one that Berry wore. Here are the before and afters:
EDIT: I have no idea why the picture is sideways. Apologies.
I've got a couple. I bought the hat with my books when I started UT. It's been beat around but still holding together. The other pic is son #2 coming home yesterday in his UT outfit. My first son came home in the same one
I've got a couple. I bought the hat with my books when I started UT. It's been beat around but still holding together. The other pic is son #2 coming home yesterday in his UT outfit. My first son came home in the same one