America’s first black billionaire demands reparations


Christian Lowe

Socialism Sucks
Oct 26, 2011
“Robert L. Johnson, the founder of BET and America’s first Black billionaire, is pushing for a $14 trillion reparations proposal.

He wants a check from the government. And he wants it to come with an apology for slavery, Jim Crow, and hundreds of years of racism. It’s due.”

“he sees a new kind of reparations—being called by a different name so as not be “divisive” or “controversial”—happening already.
The new “reparations” is critical race theory education”

America’s First Black Billionaire Wants His Reparations Check, Now
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Slaves were on the continent for centuries BEFORE the US of A was established. Several states banned slave trade at the time of the American revolution. The USA, within a hundred years of its existence, ended the slavery that had been around for centuries. Seems like if any reparations are due they should come from the British royals and any remnants of generational wealth originally created by the plantation owners (good luck with that). Seems like the USA should be celebrated rather than attacked by these slack jawed protestors.
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Slaves were on the continent for centuries BEFORE the US of A was established. Several states banned slave trade at the time of the American revolution. The USA, within a hundred years of its existence, ended the slavery that had been around for centuries. Seems like if any reparations are due they should come from the British royals and any remnants of generational wealth originally created by the plantation owners (good luck with that). Seems like the USA should be celebrated rather than attacked by these slack jawed protestors.

Reparations should be split between the original African enslavers, the European buyers, the Jewish transporters, and any living American slave owners.
lol at anyone thinking reparation's is going to fix any of their problems. They see a chance to seize on limp wrist left wing White guilt and get a quick pay day which will be squandered. Unfortunately the money will never allow them to see that they are their own worst enemy (like most people in bad situations its their own fault).
lol at anyone thinking reparation's is going to fix any of their problems. They see a chance to seize on limp wrist left wing White guilt and get a quick pay day which will be squandered. Unfortunately the money will never allow them to see that they are their own worst enemy (like most people in bad situations its their own fault).
Partially correct. But there is a lot to be said about how the slaves were not paid reparations or given an opportunity to take advantage of the homesteading acts or having to suffer under Jim Crow for a century and 4-5 generations after slavery. The United States dropped the ball after slavery.

Having said that, I would place a large portion of the burden on blacks embracing these liberal ideologies and allowing them to destroy the family within 2-3 generations when up until the 1960s, blacks had an above 80% marriage rate. Far too many of these old civil rights dinosaurs need to die off and make room for some of the less "woke" blacks that are trying to survive out here.
It all starts with these leftists like Pelosi who say "Amrica is a rich nation" and can afford all these programs. DC needs to realize we are broke.
Slaves were on the continent for centuries BEFORE the US of A was established. Several states banned slave trade at the time of the American revolution. The USA, within a hundred years of its existence, ended the slavery that had been around for centuries. Seems like if any reparations are due they should come from the British royals and any remnants of generational wealth originally created by the plantation owners (good luck with that). Seems like the USA should be celebrated rather than attacked by these slack jawed protestors.
The British offered freedom for all slaves who’d fight with them during the war for independence, interestingly, they chose to stay slaves rather than “stay” British. I’m not sure what that says.....
“Robert L. Johnson, the founder of BET and America’s first Black billionaire, is pushing for a $14 trillion reparations proposal.

He wants a check from the government. And he wants it to come with an apology for slavery, Jim Crow, and hundreds of years of racism. It’s due.”

“he sees a new kind of reparations—being called by a different name so as not be “divisive” or “controversial”—happening already.
The new “reparations” is critical race theory education”

America’s First Black Billionaire Wants His Reparations Check, Now
Maybe he’d be more happy in Liberia or Chad
Partially correct. But there is a lot to be said about how the slaves were not paid reparations or given an opportunity to take advantage of the homesteading acts or having to suffer under Jim Crow for a century and 4-5 generations after slavery. The United States dropped the ball after slavery.

Having said that, I would place a large portion of the burden on blacks embracing these liberal ideologies and allowing them to destroy the family within 2-3 generations when up until the 1960s, blacks had an above 80% marriage rate. Far too many of these old civil rights dinosaurs need to die off and make room for some of the less "woke" blacks that are trying to survive out here.
I agree. The black folks I know are typically married with a couple of kids. They’re involved in the kid’s activities and etc….. and they’re surviving just fine….. with several excelling. Their kids are good kids too….. one in particular will most likely be the valedictorian at Station Camp High School. I’m so sick of hearing how black folks can’t get an ID or use the internet …. I think statements like these are on par with many other derogatory racial comments and I’d be pissed off at the pasty white liberal elitist a-holes making them.
I agree. The black folks I know are typically married with a couple of kids. They’re involved in the kid’s activities and etc….. and they’re surviving just fine….. with several excelling. Their kids are good kids too….. one in particular will most likely be the valedictorian at Station Camp High School. I’m so sick of hearing how black folks can’t get an ID or use the internet …. I think statements like these are on par with many other derogatory racial comments and I’d be pissed off at the pasty white liberal elitist a-holes making them.

Yea I know many doing quite well. Coincidentally, none really give a damn about BLM.
Slaves were on the continent for centuries BEFORE the US of A was established. Several states banned slave trade at the time of the American revolution. The USA, within a hundred years of its existence, ended the slavery that had been around for centuries. Seems like if any reparations are due they should come from the British royals and any remnants of generational wealth originally created by the plantation owners (good luck with that). Seems like the USA should be celebrated rather than attacked by these slack jawed protestors.

Reparations should be from Africa and muslim nations. Muslims made a lot of money selling Africans.
Partially correct. But there is a lot to be said about how the slaves were not paid reparations or given an opportunity to take advantage of the homesteading acts or having to suffer under Jim Crow for a century and 4-5 generations after slavery. The United States dropped the ball after slavery.

Having said that, I would place a large portion of the burden on blacks embracing these liberal ideologies and allowing them to destroy the family within 2-3 generations when up until the 1960s, blacks had an above 80% marriage rate. Far too many of these old civil rights dinosaurs need to die off and make room for some of the less "woke" blacks that are trying to survive out here.
Yep, yep, and yep.
Reparations should be from Africa and muslim nations. Muslims made a lot of money selling Africans.
Portuguese and Dutch as well.

But how do they get reparation's? Submit a DNA test? Show proof of their slavery? There is no sound legal method. If that day comes I'll apply for mine and just say my great great great great great great great great grandpappy was half black and that generations of strong European DNA wiped out most of his. Then I'll be able to use the N word more often which is really my only end game.
“Robert L. Johnson, the founder of BET and America’s first Black billionaire, is pushing for a $14 trillion reparations proposal.

He wants a check from the government. And he wants it to come with an apology for slavery, Jim Crow, and hundreds of years of racism. It’s due.”

“he sees a new kind of reparations—being called by a different name so as not be “divisive” or “controversial”—happening already.
The new “reparations” is critical race theory education”

America’s First Black Billionaire Wants His Reparations Check, Now

So brave

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