Ahh...Obama has done it this time.
Just a simple look at the influx of covered Americans will cause a heap of mess...basic rules of supply and demand say so.
30 million more people will have health insurance. Not like they just have doctors/nurses/hospitals just waiting for a call.
This is going to be a disaster.
With an ice-cold disdain for public opinion and an obsession worthy of Lenin, President Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi rammed ObamaCare through the House by unprecedented parliamentary trickery, bribery and deceit. The Teleprompter-in-chief has thereby poisoned the national political well.
But the obozocare fight has just begun.
The President will discover that, ultimately, the American people's tenacity will overwhelm his........
Republicans are like babies right now. They didn't get their way and they are beating their rattles on their high chairs. Drawing lots of attention to themselves. Ha ha, you lost.
Republicans are like babies right now. They didn't get their way and they are beating their rattles on their high chairs. Drawing lots of attention to themselves. Ha ha, you lost.