Amy Barrett (post your smear campaign here)



Eat at Joe's
Sep 14, 2009
With the odds very good that she will be Trump's pick, I figured we would need a dedicated thread for all the libs to post their smear tactics in.

This way other threads can stay on focus.

Please use this thread to process in ripping this woman apart.

Enjoy libs.....
No far right political bent to this thread title. If recent history has shown us anything, her qualifications won't matter as long as she's a republican she will be confirmed. If they take a vote.
I'm not gonna admit that I've never heard of her and don't know anything about it.

I will use a few pseudo intellectual buzz words while I paraphrase a few part-time journo's with gender studies degrees that have been published not as part of a news story, but under the esteemed Opinion Category in multiple failing media enterprises.

It will never occur to me that all three of my links showing up on the first page of Google search results & having been published within the past few months is a dead giveaway of how little I know.

1. Link
2. Link
3. Link

She has never supported feminism and has actually abused her position in the past by failing to give Women-POC a better chance at achieving equity. But for some reason this racist Trump loving cult will never admit it.

If you call me out or criticise me, that means you're a racist to.

Orange Man Bad
No far right political bent to this thread title. If recent history has shown us anything, her qualifications won't matter as long as she's a republican she will be confirmed. If they take a vote.
Why is she not qualified?
No far right political bent to this thread title. If recent history has shown us anything, us liberals will accuse her of rape, murder, being a Russian spy, causing covid 19, the challenger exploding, hurricane Katrina, shooting JR, letting the dogs out, and being hitler.

Ok so why shouldn’t she be confirmed if she’s capable? Same question I asked folks about Merrick.
I didn't say that either. Maybe the thread should be more reflective of reality "Republican Hypocrisy on Supreme Court Nominees".
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I never said she wasn't. It's not like it's a high bar. Is she a Republican appointment and is the Senate controlled by the Republicans? What other qualifications are needed?
You mean like Ginsberg and Breyer getting confirmed by a Dem controlled Senate in 1993 and 94?
Or, like Sotomayor and Kagan getting confirmed by a Dem Senate in 2009 and 10?
I didn't say that either. Maybe the thread should be more reflective of reality "Republican Hypocrisy on Supreme Court Nominees".
Mitch warned Harry. Too late to cry now. The Dems started this nonsense. Now is you want to call out GOP hypocrisy you have to admit your own. Bc you felt the Merrick crap he did was nonsense. But now your making the same argument. Unless you want your argument to be “it’s not fair.” If that’s the case you are behaving like my 9 year old. Of course it isn’t fair. When has politics been fair? When have the Dems acted like it should be? Harry screwed with long term recognized procedures. Mitch warned him. Now he’s fing the Dems back. And probably enjoying every second. It was in that moment Mitch realized that Dems didn’t care about protocol or procedure.

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