must be hard to gloat to a group of fans as sickeningly nice and gracious as us, eh? C'mon, those guys need at least a minute or two of well-earned smack; here, I'll set it up for them...
Arkansas sucks balls! I've never seen a team so lucky in my life! Just because your running backs score every time they touch the ball, you hold us to our lowest offensive totals of the year, you embarrass us on national television, you have a legitimate Heisman trophy candidate and a couple others in the making, you are now in the discussion for the BCS title game, you're 6-0 in conference play and you're probably gonna win the SEC Championship Game - DOES NOT MAKE YOU A GOOD TEAM! I can't believe anyone could be so lucky!
Did I mention your cheerleaders are pretty hot?
No, forget that - you SUCK!!!
There ya go, have some fun!