And another one..



Staff member
Oct 16, 2004

<h3>Another voice silenced
Yet another person connected La Familia Bush has been visited by unspeakable violence.The latest and most tragic victim of the Bush juju "committed suicide" just moments after he murdered his own son.

William H. Lash III, 45, was the classic Ivy-pedigreed D.C. insider. He worked under Reagan and taught at George Mason University Law School in Arlington. From 2001 until last year, Lash worked at the Commerce Department.

By all accounts, Lash adored his son, William H. Lash IV, who had just finished sixth grade. The two were looking forward to a summer spent on the swings in their backyard or at RFK Stadium cheering on the Washington Nationals.

Lash and his wife, Sharon K. Zackula, appeared to have a happy, loving marriage. But something broke, Thursday night; shortly before 10 p.m., the two started arguing. Zackula fled from the house and called the police. Though she was unharmed, the confrontation was such that police went to the home armed with a warrant charging Lash with domestic assault.

By 9:55, three officers were on the scene, knocking on every door of the house, but there was no answer. Soon, they heard a gunshot and then another. Uncertain of who was shooting or the intended target, the cops called for back up.

Within moments, the house was surrounded, heavily armed cops in all-black had secured the area and hostage negotiators had set up a command post. The neighbors were told to turn off all their lights and hide in the basement. Police were ready for anything.

Through a bullhorn police called out to Lash, "Bill, we need to know you&#39;re okay," but there was still no answer. For two hours they tried in vain to get a response. Next, a remote-controlled robot equipped with a video camera was sent in to survey the home.

Shortly before 4 a.m., cops finally went entered the home, where they found Lash and his son both dead from gunshot to the upper-body.

What went wrong?
When Lash was at Commerce, he headed a task force on the reconstruction of Iraq, in which he dealt with businesses seeking contracts.

Nobody was a bigger winner in the Iraq reconstruction lottery than Halliburton. For years they had reaped massive profits, as have stakeholders Vice President Dick Cheney and pinko propagandist Michael Moore.

*All that changed earlier this week when the Pentagon announced Monday that they were terminating Halliburton&#39;s sweetheart no-bid deal. After years of overcharging and providing U.S. troops with tainted water. Halliburton&#39;s free pass at the trough of government waste was over.

Three days later, Lash and his young son were dead.

*Getting close to mid term elections isn&#39;t it?


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