Andrew Yang leaves Democratic Party



Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2010

He is now an Independent. Over the weekend, Yang was really pushing for more political parties in America to break up the current duopoly.
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Or had actually at any time in the past ran for and won a political race.

These career politicians and running for office and never make it are the same. I just looked at him on Wiki and it is no different than a Sanders, except he became a millionaire after 4 years in Healthcare and left for his real career, an activist.

Go hold a job in the private world Yang and get back to us.
Even that doesn’t matter. The true test will be where does his donations go?

Want to talk about the Life of Reilly? Be a "Beto" and never have to work other than campaign for a living. The examples are too many to count.

We dont need activists.

I swear we could take 535 off this board and run the nation better, LGs and Luths included.
Want to talk about the Life of Reilly? Be a "Beto" and never have to work other than campaign for a living. The examples are too many to count.

We dont need activists.

I swear we could take 535 off this board and run the nation better, LGs and Luths included.
That depends on the pecking order for Luther and LG. Cause if Luther's at the top the whole country and everybody in it are F*****.
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He is now an Independent. Over the weekend, Yang was really pushing for more political parties in America to break up the current duopoly.

That will never happen because there will be too many choices and too many Americans are just not capable of thinking for themselves and have a burning desire "to belong" or "be on the right side of history". You can look to our current pop culture and clearly identify that most Americans are dumb. Any breakup would just merge together again down the road.
Want to talk about the Life of Reilly? Be a "Beto" and never have to work other than campaign for a living. The examples are too many to count.

We dont need activists.

I swear we could take 535 off this board and run the nation better, LGs and Luths included.

That would be awesome..."Would the Gentleman Luth from GA please present today's shift in the continuum."
This would actually mean something if he were a sitting Senator.
He probably thought it would boost his name recognition to run for president, and lead to being elected Mayor of NYC. It didn't work out that way at all. More than being a stand on principle, it looks like sour grapes over his poor candidacy. He wouldn't be doing this if he had won.
This would actually mean something if he were a sitting Senator.
Like Bernie, he would get his marching orders from Schumer, so the “independent” label is essentially meaningless. Although it would give the GOP a one seat majority.
I guess he can go to one of the other Cato approved fringe parties. Even the outside is controlled by the inside in this country at this point.
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Like Bernie, he would get his marching orders from Schumer, so the “independent” label is essentially meaningless. Although it would give the GOP a one seat majority.
It would only help the GOP if Yang chose to caucus with the Republicans.

The Senate count right now, is 50 Republicans to 48 Democrats with 2 Independents, but since both of those Independents (Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Angus King) caucus with the Democrats, the Senate is considered to be a 50-50 tie .... with Vice President Kamala Harris casting tie-breaking votes. That is why Democrats are considered to hold the Senate majority, and why Sen. Chuck Schumer is currently the Senate Majority Leader.
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It would mean something if politicians actually started leaving the Democrat party because it was too radical. Unfortunately, they are leaving mostly because it is not RADICAL ENOUGH. You Gotta out cray cray the cray cray as it were 😵‍💫
It would only help the GOP if Yang chose to caucus with the Republicans.

The Senate count right now, is 50 Republicans to 48 Democrats with 2 Independents, but since both of those Independents (Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Angus King) caucus with the Democrats, the Senate is considered to be a 50-50 tie .... with Vice President Kamala Harris casting tie-breaking votes. That is why Democrats are considered to hold the Senate majority, and why Sen. Chuck Schumer is currently the Senate Majority Leader.
You’re right. I shouldn’t have added that last sentence. Although a senator Yang would still be controlled by Schumer.
Like Bernie, he would get his marching orders from Schumer, so the “independent” label is essentially meaningless. Although it would give the GOP a one seat majority.

Like and Manchin and Sinema? They may as well be indy's.
Like and Manchin and Sinema? They may as well be indy's.
They will rejoin the collective once the proper earmarks and pork for their respective states are added to the legislation.

They will rejoin the collective once the proper earmarks and pork for their respective states are added to the legislation.


When it's all said and done, lets circle back and see what earmarks and pork were added by their hand.

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