Annual Greek Genocide Commemoration.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
3rd Annual Greek Genocide Commemoration (video) outside U.N. | the “silent” majority no more!

On April 6, 2011 (Black Easter), across from the United Nations in Ralph Bunche Park, Greek American Community Leaders, American Scholars, and American Activists assembled to remember the victims of the Greek, Armenian, and Assyrian Genocides perpetrated by Turkey from 1914 till 1923.

When ordering the invasion of Poland, Hitler is said to have remarked

"Our strength is our quickness and our brutality. Genghis Khan had millions of women and children hunted down and killed, deliberately and with a gay heart. History sees in him only the great founder of States. What the weak Western European civilization alleges about me, does not matter.

I have given the order—and will have everyone shot who utters but one word of criticism—that the aim of this war does not consist in reaching certain designated [geographical] lines, but in the enemies' physical elimination.

Thus, for the time being only in the east, I put ready my Death's Head units, with the order to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of the Polish race or language. Only thus will we gain the living space that we need. Who still talks nowadays of the extermination of the Armenians?"

Recomended reading: Burning Tigris, The: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (9780060198404): Peter Balakian: Books

Whatever happened to Orange Empire, here is yet another reason to hate Woodrow Wilson, worst president prior to Jimmy Carter and Slick Willy Clinton's idea of the best president in American history, (before him of course.)
I believe most of that was the Ottoman Empire. The Republic of Turkey didn't come into existence until 1922, when it expelled the occupying forces of the Allies of WWI.
How does that saying go about history repeating itself for those who don't pay attention??

In 1976 a bicentenial celebration was held in which immigrant American's were honored for their contributions to America society.

One immigrant was honored above all others, (don't recall his name but I recall what he said), he said; "My greatest fear is that we will repeat the mistakes of the past."

An overview of current events worldwide:

Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield

The Communists wanted to turn every country in the world into communists, the Muslims want to turn every nation Islamic, and we want to turn them all into Democrats. Our national passion for democracy long ago overshot baseball, football, horse racing and billiards. Lately even our wars have turned into perverse democracy crusades. But the tonic of democracy does not cure all ills. And like most medicines, it is quite poisonous when used against the doctor's instructions.

Democracy for most Americans means the ability to rule over their rulers, to fire their political bosses, hook a thumb behind the ear and a knee in the ass of the boys in the big white buildings with the shiny domes. The balance of popular will and constitutional law maintained the widest possible decentralization of power, from the government to the people, and from the people to the laws that governed their untouchable freedoms. The people limit the power of government and laws limit the power of the people over each other. But systems of government abroad that dabble in democracy rarely duplicate the American experiment.

Most revolutions like to call themselves democratic, because democracy is disruptive to the old order. But their revolutions are only democratic means toward authoritarian ends. The ultimate victory of one faction or another. And they typically have as much use for democracy, as the Muslim armies who captured Alexandria had for its library. As Caliph Omar, successor of Mohammed, and a bookburner of far greater fame than Terry Jones, said of its books, "If they are in agreement with the Koran, then we have no need of them; and if they are opposed to the Koran, destroy them." So too with democracy, if the voters support us, then they are redundant. If they oppose us, open fire on them.

Most people like the idea of democracy, it's the idea that the people you hate get just as many votes as you do, that they don't like. That's why Muslims will play the game of democracy, but only until they score enough goals that they can take the net home with them. Tolerance was only a virtue in Islam, when Mohammed and his handful of followers needed to rely on the goodwill of people who didn't like them. But once the sandal was on the other foot, the swords really began to fall. And so did the heads. That's why the Arab Spring is fated to end in a Muslim Winter.

The Arab Spring may unexpectedly flare up, but its petals will freeze as soon as the Muslim Winter sets in. The Arab Spring is liberating, but the Muslim Winter is reassuring. The Arab Spring is Dionysian, but the Muslim Winter is Plutonian. And underachievers even by Satanic standards, most Muslims would rather serve in hell, than rule democratically in heaven. At least this way they know what the rules are and there are always some Christians and Jews to torment who were unlucky enough to get stuck on their side of the Plutonian shore.

Islam's constitution is the Koran, which makes any national constitution the work of a lower body, to be overuled by even the meanest Hadith. Roughly on a par with UN covenants on women's rights and binding contracts signed with foreigners. Democracy decentralizes power by vesting power in the people's will. Islam centralizes it in the binding of the Koran and the mouths of the Clerics who have memorized every verse. To question that centralization is to court blasphemy. And if the courts don't sentence you, the mob will.

And what did our forefathers, the writers and signers of the US constitution, say about mob rule??

That's why our government is a democratic REPUBLIC.

George Washington said; "I give you a republic, if you can keep it."

Sadly we have today in America so many that are so ignorant of history and prefer to remain so, or are so indoctrinated in a rewritten history that fits their politically correct ideals that they will not, verily cannot, even open their minds to the fact that they may be wrong about some things and instead of trying to discuss what is real and what is not, they would rather vilify anyone who doesn't agree with their view.

Consider the responses to my original post.

But what the heck, I'm just a hatemongering lowlife. :wavey:

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