Another Obama crony caught in a lie.

this is so true, makes me sick

I think everybody is missing the boat on Burris. When he first appeared in D.C., even the Dems didn't want anything to do with him. I suspect Obama, Reid and Pelosi quickly realized they needed him to be the 60th vote in the Senate for the Porkulus bill. All of a sudden he was accepted. He voted as required, and presto, Porkulus is law. Perhaps all the hustle and bustle to enact the conference bill with less than 12 hours' deliberation occurred because the real slime on Burris was about to leak out. So the real catastrophe that was avoided with such haste was the loss of the oh-so-important 60th Senate vote.
Insight into the porkulus socialist spending bill.

One may note that in every example we have of socialism so far in world history, when the economy is taken over, other power grabs are sure to go along with that.

One of the more ominous moves was the White House take over of the Census Bureau which is illegal for sure and probably unconstitutional. Where is the public outcry???

Then too, we have an enviro nutcase directly in charge of energy policy, bypassing both the EPA and the DOE.

I can't see Obama being in office more than four years but I doubt we will be able to recognize the US government by then.

Did any of his liberal supporters think to ask him what changes he meant when he said change??

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