Food snobs are the worst. Bourdoin needs to relax.
Paula Deen is a different demographic. Plus, her shows are aimed at middle class/common folk. Bourdoin's shows are entertaining, but not everyone is going to be able to travel to the places he goes and experience the things that he does. The Bourdoin jock sniffing is really kind of pathetic, to be honest... just typical American snobbery and "keeping up with the Joneses" type of following. I'm not even a hater, really I'm not. When I travel, I want to experience the local culture as much as Bourdoin. I understand his passion for that. But real talk, why do people like this feel the need to look down on Southern living? Collard greens, mac & chz, sweet tea... that is my culture, dammit! Why is it that every one else is allowed to enjoy and have others admire their cuisine universally (Mexican's have fried beans and rice, Chinese have fried rice, Italians have pasta), yet you can't go anywhere outside of Dixie and find a good Southern restaurant because there is a stigma attached to it.
I'm just saying...