Anti-Porn lobbyists tend to be more sexist, not less



Easy target
Nov 5, 2008
People who support a ban on pornography tend to hold more sexist views about women, study finds

I found this interesting while looking through research and field periodicals. The study isn't perfect and could stand some tweaking (which the researchers address in the article) but initial results do align with previous research on the matter.

“However, our research was consistent with previous research suggesting that the relationship between pornography and sexism was non-existent or actually positive,” Speed noted. In particular, research published in 2015 found that people who watched pornography were more likely to see women as equals compared to people who did not watch it. Another study, published in 2020, found that attendees at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo were no more sexist than the general U.S. public.
what it really tells us is that libertarians see people as individuals rather than members of some gender/race/etc group.

hooray for libertarians; hooray for porn!
I think that people should be able to live their life without me telling them how too.

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