Anti-Sex Trafficking Bill Passes House



What's it gonna cost?
Mar 11, 2009
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The DOJ opposes it, but our wise overlords have decided that they don't like that the internet has taken prostitution off the streets. "Promoting prostitution" would be a federal crime.

It passed with 388 votes. Let's hope Trump has some sense about this, but apparently Ivanka is in favor, so that's not a good sign.

House Passes 'Anti Sex-Trafficking' Bill Opposed by Both DOJ and Trafficking Survivors - Hit & Run :

Gonna make it tougher for you to get laid now
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doesn't sound like a good thing.

The bill, H.R. 1865, is euphemistically named the "Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act" (FOSTA), despite the fact that there's nothing stopping state authorities from punishing sex traffickers and their allies at present and despite the fact that trafficking victims can already sue abusers in civil court. FOSTA's actual targets are adults consensually engaging in prostitution as well as web platforms that allow user-generated content.

One of many similarly misleading bills that have gained traction in recent years, FOSTA amends Section 230 of the federal Communications Decency Act to hold online publishers, apps, and services legally liable for the actions of people who post there or connect through them. What this means in practice is that social media sites such as Snapchat and Facebook, classified ad sites such as Craigslist and Backpage, chat apps, search engines, and many other communication tools could be both criminally charged and sued in civil court—by individuals or by states—anytime anyone uses them to meet someone with whom they would eventually engage in commercial sex.
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The DOJ opposes it, but our wise overlords have decided that they don't like that the internet has taken prostitution off the streets. "Promoting prostitution" would be a federal crime.

It passed with 388 votes. Let's hope Trump has some sense about this, but apparently Ivanka is in favor, so that's not a good sign.

House Passes 'Anti Sex-Trafficking' Bill Opposed by Both DOJ and Trafficking Survivors - Hit & Run :

I thought we already had laws on the books to cover this???

Mann Act - Wikipedia
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The DOJ opposes it, but our wise overlords have decided that they don't like that the internet has taken prostitution off the streets. "Promoting prostitution" would be a federal crime.

It passed with 388 votes. Let's hope Trump has some sense about this, but apparently Ivanka is in favor, so that's not a good sign.

House Passes 'Anti Sex-Trafficking' Bill Opposed by Both DOJ and Trafficking Survivors - Hit & Run :

Does the passing of this bill = auto-deportation of Trump?
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