Antifa Attack an Asian Man in LA, and What Police Do Will Leave You Fuming


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
As RedState reported earlier today, Antifa militants are on a rampage in Los Angeles, CA. A group of peaceful protesters had originally shown up at the Wi Spa to demonstrate over a prior viral incident in which a man claiming to be “transgender” had exposed himself to young girls.

After the protesters arrived, violence broke out in the form of Antifa members viciously assaulting a woman. This was all caught on camera by Andy Ngo.

While on the prowl in the same area, an Antifa member then assaulted an Asian man, who then took a bottle and struck back to defend himself after being kicked in the crotch. What happened next will leave you fuming. Make sure you watch it until the end.

Antifa Attack an Asian Man in LA, and What Police Do Will Leave You Fuming
Can't find the attack on the video, unless "I'm not touching you!" now counts as a vicious attack. I guess I should turn myself in to the local authorities for viciously attacking my children daily of that's the case.

Have any other perspectives or videos from this incident?
Can't find the attack on the video, unless "I'm not touching you!" now counts as a vicious attack. I guess I should turn myself in to the local authorities for viciously attacking my children daily of that's the case.

Have any other perspectives or videos from this incident?
Are you blind? All three videos had multiple assaults
Are you blind? All three videos had multiple assaults

I just found the other two videos.

The person putting words into sentences in the article makes the supposition that that Asian gentlemen in the second video was arrested, be although there was no evidence of that. The video clearly shows him defending himself, yes, but I believe the officers were escorting him away for his protection.

The third video I hope results in the arrest of at least the person in the green shirt. The best way to take down street preachers is calmly and using their own scripture against them. So easy to do.

But the article itself is pure anger porn propaganda ******** and I genuinely worry for the people who take it as serious or at face value. Garbage in, garbage out. I feel the same about people who are addicted to The Palmer Report, so don't outgroup me.

I just found the other two videos.

The person putting words into sentences in the article makes the supposition that that Asian gentlemen in the second video was arrested, be although there was no evidence of that. The video clearly shows him defending himself, yes, but I believe the officers were escorting him away for his protection.

The third video I hope results in the arrest of at least the person in the green shirt. The best way to take down street preachers is calmly and using their own scripture against them. So easy to do.

But the article itself is pure anger porn propaganda ******** and I genuinely worry for the people who take it as serious or at face value. Garbage in, garbage out. I feel the same about people who are addicted to The Palmer Report, so don't outgroup me.
I think the videos are pretty self explanatory as they always show the same behaviors from antifa
As RedState reported earlier today, Antifa militants are on a rampage in Los Angeles, CA. A group of peaceful protesters had originally shown up at the Wi Spa to demonstrate over a prior viral incident in which a man claiming to be “transgender” had exposed himself to young girls.

After the protesters arrived, violence broke out in the form of Antifa members viciously assaulting a woman. This was all caught on camera by Andy Ngo.

While on the prowl in the same area, an Antifa member then assaulted an Asian man, who then took a bottle and struck back to defend himself after being kicked in the crotch. What happened next will leave you fuming. Make sure you watch it until the end.

Antifa Attack an Asian Man in LA, and What Police Do Will Leave You Fuming

Typical immature and bullying behavior. Always in large groups and ready to take on everyone when it's 7/1 odds in their favor. Karma will catch up to them one day.
Let me see if I have this straight in my head … the “ANTI FASCIST “ groups are going around beating up peaceful protesters that are doing what the constitution says they have a right to do ? Nobody finds this ironic? These aren’t anti fascists , they are groups of young little thugs and fringe anarchists that only thrive where they are tolerated .
WATCH: Oakland Anti-Violence Event Disrupted by Antifa, but Citizens Blast Them Big Time

The chief actually drew a lot of people to come out for such an event — about 200, mostly black families showing their support, calling for an end to the violence. The group includes parents who have recently lost children who had been gunned down; the names of the murder victims were read at the event, becoming an effective memorial to remember those lives and fight to stop more lives from being taken.

But they aren’t the only folks who came out. The gathering got disrupted by a small group of mostly-white Antifa people, who came to yell and jeer at them.

The Antifa folks tried to drown out the speakers. But the black folks fighting to save people’s lives let the Antifa folks have it — and they weren’t shy about it. They gave the Antifa people the tongue-lashing they deserved.

WATCH: Oakland Anti-Violence Event Disrupted by Antifa, but Citizens Blast Them Big Time
WATCH: Oakland Anti-Violence Event Disrupted by Antifa, but Citizens Blast Them Big Time

The chief actually drew a lot of people to come out for such an event — about 200, mostly black families showing their support, calling for an end to the violence. The group includes parents who have recently lost children who had been gunned down; the names of the murder victims were read at the event, becoming an effective memorial to remember those lives and fight to stop more lives from being taken.

But they aren’t the only folks who came out. The gathering got disrupted by a small group of mostly-white Antifa people, who came to yell and jeer at them.

The Antifa folks tried to drown out the speakers. But the black folks fighting to save people’s lives let the Antifa folks have it — and they weren’t shy about it. They gave the Antifa people the tongue-lashing they deserved.

WATCH: Oakland Anti-Violence Event Disrupted by Antifa, but Citizens Blast Them Big Time

Those black people should have attacked those white libs but it was an anti violence rally. People are recognizing the leftist nuts in this country that hope to keep blacks stirred up even as far as trying to convince them police is bad while people in their communities are dying while leftists talk about the past.
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WATCH: Oakland Anti-Violence Event Disrupted by Antifa, but Citizens Blast Them Big Time

The chief actually drew a lot of people to come out for such an event — about 200, mostly black families showing their support, calling for an end to the violence. The group includes parents who have recently lost children who had been gunned down; the names of the murder victims were read at the event, becoming an effective memorial to remember those lives and fight to stop more lives from being taken.

But they aren’t the only folks who came out. The gathering got disrupted by a small group of mostly-white Antifa people, who came to yell and jeer at them.

The Antifa folks tried to drown out the speakers. But the black folks fighting to save people’s lives let the Antifa folks have it — and they weren’t shy about it. They gave the Antifa people the tongue-lashing they deserved.

WATCH: Oakland Anti-Violence Event Disrupted by Antifa, but Citizens Blast Them Big Time

Neither side of that conflict has the answers to the problem of gun violence in the black community.
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I shared the story where the black lady in LA that reported the man that was in the women's side of the spa reported that antifa harrassed her when she spoke out.
'Antifa' thugs clash with anti-mask protesters in bloody skirmish, 1 stabbed

Antifa thugs clashed with anti-mask protesters outside Los Angeles City Hall on Saturday afternoon resulting in multiple injuries.

"Breaking: Brutal right-wing vs antifa brawl breaks out at anti-mask protest in Los Angeles," journalist Andy Ngo tweeted Saturday along with a video from videographer Sean Carmitchel who was at the scene. "One of the antifa who charges in to fight gets pummeled to the ground. A woman trying to help him gets hit on the head. The antifa end up retreating."

'Antifa' thugs clash with anti-mask protesters in bloody skirmish, 1 stabbed

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