ANTIFA Latest protest.... Soros

Weren't we told that Soros funded protests were alt-right gobbledygook?
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This is funny but obviously you believe it. More than likely it's paid Neo-Nazis. Didn't see any women or people of non whiteness. Where did this take place and why is there only one crappy video.
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This is funny but obviously you believe it. More than likely it's paid Neo-Nazis. Didn't see any women or people of non whiteness. Where did this take place and why is there only one crappy video.
Yep they believe this garbage, but world-renowned journalist and writer of 12 best selling NON-FICTION books is making it all up!
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This is funny but obviously you believe it. More than likely it's paid Neo-Nazis. Didn't see any women or people of non whiteness. Where did this take place and why is there only one crappy video.

You are able to determine there are no POC and no women from that video? Damn, Eagle eyes.
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You are able to determine there are no POC and no women from that video? Damn, Eagle eyes.

Odd that there is only one crappy video, but not odd people believe this crap. Pure propaganda from the alt-Right. I don't care where this was but I do know when a group of people dressed in black, hiding their face, and holding an upside down American flag while chanting to a drum beat; is worthy of people taking notice and recording on their smartphones.
Odd that there is only one crappy video, but not odd people believe this crap. Pure propaganda from the alt-Right. I don't care where this was but I do know when a group of people dressed in black, hiding their face, and holding an upside down American flag while chanting to a drum beat; is worthy of people taking notice and recording on their smartphones.

I wasn't commenting about only one video and debating whether this was staged by alt-right. As a person with HORRIBLE uncorrected vision, I was jealous of your ability to see what you said you did not see.
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I wasn't commenting about only one video and debating whether this was staged by alt-right. As a person with HORRIBLE uncorrected vision, I was jealous of your ability to see what you said you did not see.

Your vision is as good as mine and I didn't see them. Did you?
Meme's have never been news. Where is the story to go with the pictures and accusations?
Don't you know anything Mick? The MSM is hiding it from everyone. All the liberal corps like Google, Facebook, and Twitter are preventing conservatives from having their proof disseminated. IT'S A CONSPIRACY MAN!
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Your vision is as good as mine and I didn't see them. Did you?

I could have sworn I saw a pair a beady, squinty eyes on the far right, but it could just be the sun in their eyes. I definitely heard what sounded like a high-pitched female type voice, but it could have just been that some dude's girl panties were too tight. So I cannot 100% confirm or deny there were non-whites or females present.

Lighten up, man. Just having some fun this morning.
This is funny but obviously you believe it. More than likely it's paid Neo-Nazis. Didn't see any women or people of non whiteness. Where did this take place and why is there only one crappy video.
Its cuz they were masks genius...
This is funny but obviously you believe it. More than likely it's paid Neo-Nazis. Didn't see any women or people of non whiteness. Where did this take place and why is there only one crappy video.
Kind of gross you assumed a whole group of people’s race and gender.
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Don't you know anything Mick? The MSM is hiding it from everyone. All the liberal corps like Google, Facebook, and Twitter are preventing conservatives from having their proof disseminated. IT'S A CONSPIRACY MAN!
They still have YouTube. lol

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