Any commits qualify as EEs?



Jul 27, 2011
I'm curious, are any of our current commits on track to be an early enrollee? Would love to see some of these talented players get an early start to the 2014 season!
Vic Wharton wants to one....and Jalen Hurd has made a comment about it as well....In order for us to take upto 31 recruits this cycle we will need at least 6 EE's....
Add Payne & TKJr to that list of wanting too - at least I seem to recall them tweeting about it. I am sure that will come into focus later in the summer. I am not sure how they can accelerate the graduation process if they have not been prepping for that for a while.
Add Payne & TKJr to that list of wanting too - at least I seem to recall them tweeting about it. I am sure that will come into focus later in the summer. I am not sure how they can accelerate the graduation process if they have not been prepping for that for a while.

Yeah that's the thing.. Most guys will had to have been preparing for it.
Add Payne & TKJr to that list of wanting too - at least I seem to recall them tweeting about it. I am sure that will come into focus later in the summer. I am not sure how they can accelerate the graduation process if they have not been prepping for that for a while.

I don't know about that. By the time I was a senior in High School I'd accrued all the credits necessary to graduate by the end of my first semester (as a Senior). My last semester was all extra courses not needed to graduate. In fact, I, not always being the good child that I am today :), got booted from an elective course for basically smarting off to the teacher. The principal knew me and knew I was smart and so just transferred me to study hall.

Then I got a job and was able to do early release and because the study hall didn't count for anything got to leave school even earlier than most.

A lot of seniors who do the core requirement can graduate early it's just that most don't because you do have to go through a process to do it.
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