There's really not alot to get when it comes to MMA... its just a fight... best man wins. More a battle of wills.
to tell you the truth, I never really followed it.......
what's that, you say? I'm (if not the first, then definitely the) Loudest to post on any and all things MMA here?
and I have Fedor tapping out God as my av?
and a Rickson Gracie quote as my sig?
nah, still don't think that makes me an MMA "fan".
Cov, talk to me and we'll see if we can keep some MMA at the top of the board on a consistent basis.
I feel exactly the same way about Fedor, but I dug the pic so much that I had to steal it.
I wrestled with Mid-South Wrestling club at the same time as Rampage, though I doubt he'd remember me now. unreal to see him go from 5th at the TN state tournament to Fighter of the Year. shows how much we can improve if we will listen to the right people.
if you're gonna do that, make sure that he's into it. Combat sports are NOT for everybody (though I agree that they damn well should be). Maybe you can turn your boy into MMA 3.0, the way Georges St Pierre has shown us what MMA 2.0 is.
The people that have a problem with Page don't know what he came from--he was almost literally Homeless when Peter Bolgeo found him at school and talked him into wrestling. Does he need to clean up and tone some of that down just a LITTLE bit? sure, because that will make him a TON more money. But Page is comfortable being street, cause that's what he knows.
and I agree that if Page trains at ALL for that fight, Forrest goes down in the 2nd.