Any Ralph Reed Fans?



Five Star Recruit
Oct 4, 2005
Anyone following his ties to Abramoff and gambling? Anyone following his campaign here in GA for Lt. Gov?
Ralph Reed is what you get when The Children of the Corn become adults.
I will put you down as a no....

I am just curious as to his image with people. I'm especially curious how he fares with anyone in GA or having family in GA. The Primary is July 18 and it is a hot race here in GA. Anyone know of Georgians' attitudes of him?
(CSpindizzy @ Jul 7 said:
I will put you down as a no....

I am just curious as to his image with people. I'm especially curious how he fares with anyone in GA or having family in GA. The Primary is July 18 and it is a hot race here in GA. Anyone know of Georgians' attitudes of him?

Everybody that I have talked to that should know anything is telling me to vote for Casey Cagle. I just had lunch with a guy who is a former county GOP chairman and his exact words were, "When Ralph Reed smiled at me, I couldn't figure out if he was really happy to meet me or wanted to eat my children."
I doubt I can get the name of that person out but can you tell me what part of the state he's from GAVOL? I've been watching this race closely and am curious as to the average voter's view of this race.
Without getting too specific . . . He's from Middle GA.

I think the prevailing notion is that Cagle wants to be Lt. Govenor; Reed wants to be President of the United States.
I would agree with that notion. Considering the GOP ripped all power from that position, the seat is nothing but a stepping stone. Cagle wants the Governor's position in 4 years. Reed does but also wants all the way to 1600 Penn Ave.

My assumption is that middle and southern GA is heavy Christian Coalition areas favorable to Reed. But from driving right through this entire area over the 4th holiday, I didn't see what I thought I would.
I don't see Ralph Reed out there particularly pushing himself as the Christian Coalition candidate; which sort of mystifies me. I keep expecting Reed to go on a major media blitz in the final weeks, but it hasn't begun yet.

I'd bet that half the state has no idea who is even running for Lt. Govenor.
Polls show undecideds anywhere from 25 to 45%. Ralph's negatives are double digits higher than his positives. The way this race has gone I have no doubt that Ralph's only hope is to go even more nasty and help those undecideds see Cagle as the Anti-Christ.
(CSpindizzy @ Jul 7 said:
Polls show undecideds anywhere from 25 to 45%. Ralph's negatives are double digits higher than his positives. The way this race has gone I have no doubt that Ralph's only hope is to go even more nasty and help those undecideds see Cagle as the Anti-Christ.

It's gotten more negative since I first posted in this thread. I got a mail piece from the Cagle campaign today which advertiesed the following link:

They are absolutely killing him with regard to his connections to his dealings with Abrhamoff and even have an e-mail where Jack Abrhamoff wants to break ties with him because he's so oily.
I watched him debate last night. Great at buzz words and appealing to people with fluffy sounding statements. Tried to kiss up to the Governor and made sure he threw in religious and conservative hints. I was truly disappointed in his lack of knowledge on the issues. Cagle cleaned his clock on details and specifics. With a week left, I guarantee it will get nasty with some 'pleasant' mailers and phone calls coming in this weekend. Ralph will have to make this a race about how bad Cagle is rather than how good Reed is. Polls showed Cagle closed the gap and the race is tied. Undecided voters are trending Cagle by 2-to-1 margin.
No doubt that Cagle is better qualified for the job. He has actually served in the state Senate and after all, the job of the Lt. Gov. is to preside over the senate. Ralph Reed seems to be running purely on name recognition and comes off as pure politician.

Can you tell which way I'm leaning on this one?
Looks like this race will come down to pure turnout. Since Reed has a better GOTV machine, I'd lean to him squeaking this one off....although I'm not thrilled with that prospect.
If it's possible, in the past couple of days I've become almost as leery of Cagle as I am of Reed. Rarely have I ever seen a campaign go as negative as Cagle has. I don't understand it at all. Most people already knew the negatives on Reed going in. IMO Cagle's piling on has only served to draw attention to his own negatives which are more numerous than he'd like to admit.
The funny thing about this is that Cagle only followed Reed's lead on the negativity. Reed's tactic in campaigns has ALWAYS been to go negative first. He sends one really sleazy piece out to hit below the belt. His opponents get so angry they declare all out war and follow suit with a full assault. Cagle took the bait and ran with it.

Even more funny than that is that most of Cagle's staff is former Reed employees. They've either worked for Ralph at his Century Strategies company OR have worked with him as GA GOP party chair. They came over to Cagle because of Reed's history. So in theory THEY of all people should know how Ralph works.

Regardless of the negativity, every piece is legit. The hope was to help persuade the huge undecided vote out there. Polls showed Cagle going up and now it's tied again. It will come down to turnout only and Ralph has the advantage. The only thing going for Cagle right now is from the Dem race for governor. Cathy Cox's numbers are dropping like it's hot. Some are even thinking of crossing over and putting Reed out of his misery. While not the best way to win, I'm sure Cagle wouldn't mind the help.

But the more that comes out about Ralph, the sleazier this guy looks. If he wins, this state will be ripped apart by November and Sonny and the rest of the GOP will suffer at least slightly because of it.
Ralph Reed just conceded. He can go back to taking bribes now.

I just saw a headline where he is being touted as the first casualty in the Jack Abrhamoff scandal.
Seeing Roy Moore tank in AL and now Ralph Reed tank in GA, the feared religious right just took a shot that put them on their knees. I know between Kay Godwin losing her election in south GA and RR losing statewide the Christian Coalition in this state is finished.
Don't think I would go that far. The election was about Ralph Reed, not the Christian Coalition. His ethics made him radioactive in a lot of voters' minds. The only effect his ties to the Christian Coalition had is that there were a good number of Democrats crossing over to the Republican primary specifically to vote against him.
(GAVol @ Jul 19 said:
Don't think I would go that far. The election was about Ralph Reed, not the Christian Coalition. His ethics made him radioactive in a lot of voters' minds. The only effect his ties to the Christian Coalition had is that there were a good number of Democrats crossing over to the Republican primary specifically to vote against him.

yep. This fall's midterm is where the tide gets measured.
I don't see enough change in everyday perceptions to call a turn toward the democratic party though. Not yet. And likely not by the fall...
His entire operation was CC oriented. The state Chair came out for him and the membership really worked hard for him. Those who are huge in the state organization staked their reputation and lost big time. Two south GA activists, one who actually ran for State Rep, lost out. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, who campaigned for Ralph, couldn't deliver his own district. Ralph had homeschooled kids doing door to door and sign waving.

I don't think there was a mass movement from the Dems to cross over. If there was, they would have also voted against Sonny and some others more or less like-minded with Ralph. Looking at the numbers, you could cut the anti-Sonny votes in half and out of the pool altogether and that would still have given Cagle the win. The numbers just don't add up for some mass Dem vote crossover. I doubt 50K+ would have been the amount to cross over when so much was at stake on the Dems' side. This whole concept is a lot of fluff with little substance.

Ralph just relied on his small core group. He banked on a nasty race to keep people at home. Then his small core group would turn out regardless. But this whole plan failed.
(CSpindizzy @ Jul 19 said:
His entire operation was CC oriented.

I'm not disputing that at all. I just believe this was more a referendum on Reed's sleaze factor than it was on the Christian Coalition per seay.

An item of interest to me is that Ralph Reed was a candidate that ran with the guidance of Karl Rove. While I'm one of those old time East Tennessee Republicans, I despise Karl Rove. This might be the first in a chain of failures for Rove, I hope so!
If he ran with Rove guidance it sure was on the downlow. With the exception of Giuliani, Hannity, and Gingrich, there appeared to be little outside influence.

I'm curious as to how Ralph survives as a consultant. His business was seriously in danger. He had to lay off quite a few staffers in his firm and he loaned his campaign a million dollars just to stay competitive in the last days of the campaign. Conventional wisdom is that losers have immense troubles getting money to repay loans. With little incoming money from consulting and a failed campaign in debt, what does he do? Everyone knows how his operation works so very few would consider taking him on as a consultant knowing he's smoke and mirrors. Is Reed in a political coma now?

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