Anybody hear/ see our NCAA 1st rounder? Prospects?



Senior Member
Nov 9, 2003
Got in just a few minutes ago, so I don't even know if it made it onto the VolNetwork- though the lack of a thread here ain't exactly encouraging...

Love to hear from somebody who at least listened to the game about how we looked, etc.

While we're at it, what does anybody know about the rest of our bracket and how our prospects are looking after the first round in our bracket?
Just had to add- was watching the ESPN2 bits & pieces coverage and saw one of the coolest fem-hoops plays I've seen in awhile.

A Pitt forward tied up a Wyoming forward at the top of the key. The Wyoming gal lifted the ball and the Pitt player up trying to rip it away until the Pitt gal's feet were at least 3 feet off the ground... And not only were both of them equal size and not remotely butch-built, the Cowgirl did it standing up straight, like it was no effort at all.

Can I get a smile and a grrrrrr from the testosterone section?

And now back to our regular programming.....

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